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ECML resources

The work of the ECML represents a collective effort and determination to enhance the quality in language education at challenging times. The publications illustrate the dedication and active involvement of all those who participated in a series of international projects and training and consultancy activities. The promotion of the programme outputs and their adaptation to different learning environments is supported through National Contact Points in each of the member states of the Centre. Read more

ECML resource
Plurilingual and intercultural competences - Descriptors and teaching materials

FREPA National Networks disseminate the tools developed within the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA/CARAP) to support plurilingual and intercultural education at all levels.

A website including:

  • The Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA/CARAP)
  • country-specific information on FREPA and on related networks in more than 20 national languages
  • online teaching materials database
  • training kit for teachers

Target group(s): teachersteacher educatorsdecision-makers

Publication year: 2015

Author(s): Michel Candelier, Anna Maria Curci, Petra Daryai-Hansen, Jean-François de Pietro, Petra Gilliyard, Ildikó Lőrincz, Danièle Moore, Anna Schröder-Sura

Promotional documents:
Flyer (EN)
Dépliant (FR)
Flyer (DE)


Available links and files:

CARAP National Networks - Website (EN) (FR) (DE)

CARAP/FREPA - A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches (EN) (FR)

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