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    Ressources du CELV

Ressources du CELV

Le travail du CELV témoigne d'une volonté et d'un engagement collectifs pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation aux langues dans des périodes difficiles. Les publications illustrent le dévouement et l'implication active de toutes celles et de tous ceux qui ont pris part à une série de projets internationaux et d'activités de formation et de conseil. La promotion des résultats du programme et leur adaptation aux différents environnements d'apprentissage sont assurées par des points de contact nationaux dans chacun des États membres du Centre. Plus d'informations

Ressource du CELV
QualiTraining – A training guide for quality assurance in language education

Quality assurance is no longer solely the realm of institutional top management. It is increasingly important that all the participants in the educational process understand their role within the system and contribute to enhancing the quality of educational processes and learning outcomes. "Quality culture" is at the core of this multi-dimensional, integrative approach, so as to inspire participants at all levels in an educational process.
The publication includes materials and instruments, which can be transferred or adapted to concrete situations in e.g. teacher development, quality assurance training, project management and evaluation. The case studies and activities suggested invite readers to find out what works best in their own educational environment and to develop relevant, innovative solutions to needs identified. Contexts of application range from primary and secondary education, to university language departments interested in enhancing the coherence between language teaching, learning and (self-)assessment, or networks of language organisations and professionals.


  • The user-friendly, non-prescriptive approach to improving quality in education, linking theory to practice, and involving different categories of stakeholders

  • The variety of materials and activities for self-reflection and group discussion, providing a framework for the sharing of best practice

  • Real-life success stories from a range of sources and countries to illustrate "quality in action"

Groupe(s) cible(s) : enseignantsformateurs d'enseignantsdecideurs

Année de publication : 2011

Auteur(s) : Frank Heyworth, Gayla Mateva, Laura Muresan, Mary Rose

Documents promotionnels:
Flyer (DE) (EN)
Flygblad (SV)


Liens et documents disponibles :

QualiTraining Website (EN) (DE)

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