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    Ressources du CELV

Ressources du CELV

Le travail du CELV témoigne d'une volonté et d'un engagement collectifs pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation aux langues dans des périodes difficiles. Les publications illustrent le dévouement et l'implication active de toutes celles et de tous ceux qui ont pris part à une série de projets internationaux et d'activités de formation et de conseil. La promotion des résultats du programme et leur adaptation aux différents environnements d'apprentissage sont assurées par des points de contact nationaux dans chacun des États membres du Centre. Afficher les détails / Masquer les détails

Ressource du CELV
CHAGAL - Setup

The idea for the CHAGAL project was born out of the realisation that education systems have to be responsive to the diverse backgrounds and specific needs of international students and to adopt effective strategies to offer students every chance of success in their undertakings. An innovative and inclusive curriculum sensitive to the students’ diversity not only promotes positive student reaction and success, but also reflects the host country’s acceptance of the potential these students have to offer.

On the CHAGAL in ACTION! CD-ROM 12 Curriculum Guidelines drawn up by the 16 partner institutions originally participating in the CHAGAL-Grundtvig project describe how student-centred course curricula can be developed and implemented and illustrate how CHAGAL principles can be put into practice. Examples of good practice from 9 European countries comprise the areas of social and cultural learning content-based learning language and study skills student support and are – together with the CHAGAL Recipe Book for Teachers – targeted specifically at practitioners.

Editors: Roland Forster, Grete Kernegger, Mee Foong Lee, Imke Mohr , Kees Smit and Penka Taneva-Kafelova with the cooperation of Hannes Vogler.

Groupe(s) cible(s) : enseignants

Année de publication : 2007

Auteur(s) : Grete Kernegger

Documents promotionnels:
Flyer (EN) (DE)


Liens et documents disponibles :

CHAGAL Website (EN) (DE)

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