eTwinning, a platform for connecting among teachers and schools in Europe
Virtual ExchangeGruppen-/Partnerarbeit - ExterneEigene InhalteWebsites/andere Nutzer*innen
Description: eTwinning is a platform for schools in Europe to share ideas, engage in projects, and establish partnerships with other schools across the continent. It works by connecting teachers from different countries virtually but also offering opportunities for professional development via seminars, courses, conferences, and workshops. eTwinning was developed by the European Commission as part of the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme. It is free to use but it requires having an account for use, which is typically created by teachers or school administrators on behalf of schools.
Bewertung: eTwinning is a fantastic tool to connect with other teachers and schools in Europe and establish an international network. It promotes cross-cultural understanding, language learning, and digital literacy skills. It can take some time to get used to the platform’s dynamics, but then it offers very interesting and enriching opportunities. eTwinning is a large community, so it can also be a bit overwhelming at first. Basic IT skills required.
Kosten: Free with registration.
Gruppen-/Partnerarbeit - Externe,
Websites/andere Nutzer*innen,
Eigene Inhalte,
Benutzerfreundlichkeit ▼
Zeiteffizienz Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: Medium. Using eTwinning requires some familiarisation for use, but the time invested is definitely worthwhile.
Sprache(n) der Benutzeroberfläche The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: All EU official languages.
Datenschutz What data does the tool collect and why? What security measures are there? GDPR compliant? : Very high. eTwinning collects various types of personal data but only for educational and functional purposes. This data is processed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. The privacy policy mentions security measures to protect user data, such as encryption and access controls. eTwinning complies with the GDPR. See more here.
Arbeit für spätere Verwendung speichern Can work be saved for future use?: Yes.