ESL Bits, a listening and reading comprehension tool for English
AudiobooksAutonomous learning
Description: ESL Bits is a website that offers free English language audiobooks, audio stories, poems and essays, together with their transcriptions and comprehension exercises. ESL Bits is free to use, offering open access to its resources online, but not downloading. It does not require having an account or logging in for use.
Bewertung: ESL Bits is a valuable tool for English teachers and learners since it offers a wide range of high quality audio content and other materials. These are organised into 6 sections: classics, novels, novellas, short stories, intermediate material, and advanced material, so that teachers can filter out content and find what they need for their students. It is also interesting that, for every audio, there are faster and slower versions.
Kosten: Free without registration.
Benutzerfreundlichkeit ▼
Zeiteffizienz Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: High.
Sprache(n) der Benutzeroberfläche The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: English.
Datenschutz What data does the tool collect and why? What security measures are there? GDPR compliant? : High (?). ESL Bits is completely non-profit and contains no advertising. Although it lacks a well-developed privacy section, it presumably does not collect user information or cookies. It abides by the U.S. Code 17/Sec. 107 as regards copyright since it uses materials only for the purpose of teaching, thus being consistent with ‘fair use’. ESL Bits does not state compliance with the GDPR. See more here.
Arbeit für spätere Verwendung speichern Can work be saved for future use?: No.