PEPELT 21, a picture book collection for learning English
Story creators
Description: PEPELT 21 is a website and YouTube channel that shows educators how to use picture books to teach English in primary education. It offers advice and resources for teaching with picturebooks, as well as 24 detailed e-lessons including videos of books read aloud by their authors, and more. It is free and does not require logging in. PEPELT 21 is based on a not-for-profit educational project started by educators Gail Ellis, Tatia Gruenbaum, Sandie Mourão, and Anneta Sadowska.
Evaluation: PEPELT 21 is a valuable platform for English teachers of younger students to learn how to introduce picture books into the classroom. It offers well-prepared e-lessons and picture book reviews, together with ideas and tips on how to use them. PEPELT 21 is a fantastic collaborative initiative started by educators.
Cost: Free.
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency
Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: High.
Interface language(s)
The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: English.
Respect for privacy
Privacy evaluations indicate how a tool handles personal data collection, storage, and sharing, including GDPR compliance and security measures, among others. The ICT-REV team provides them for informational purposes, reflecting our best understanding at the time of review, but assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these evaluations and encourages users to conduct their own assessments: High (?). Pepelt does not contain a privacy policy, so this is difficult to assess. However, the website does not seem to gather cookies or display any advertisements. Pepelt is a not-for-profit platform set up entirely for educational purposes, so it should be respectful of user privacy.
Saving work for future use
Can work be saved for future use?: No.