Vorleser, an audiobook platform in German
Description: Vorleser is a free audiobook platform that offers more than 750 audiobooks in German. Users can listen to audiobooks on the website and download them for free as MP3 files. Moreover, audioboks are accompanied by texts that can also be downloaded for free as PDF documents. Vorleser includes poetry, short stories and novels and covers topics such as love, crime or mystery, offering works by both classic and contemporary authors. It is completely free and available in website and app forms. All recordings are produced by Vorleser’s narrators, which are based in Leipzig.
Evaluation: Vorleser is a practical tool for learners of German as a foreign language. Hearing audiobooks on Vorleser can help enhance listening skills, with the accompanying texts being suitable to develop other linguistic competences. Vorleser is suitable for intermediate and advanced students.
Cost: Free.
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: High.
Interface language(s) The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: German.
Respect for privacy What data does the tool collect and why? What security measures are there? GDPR compliant? : Medium/high. Vorleser does not require login or installation, but might collect personal data through contact forms. It also gathers data automatically during website visits such as browser type and IP address. The purpose of collecting this data is primarily to ensure the proper functioning of the website. For that, it might be shared with third parties, among which Google Analytics and Google AdSense, which may collect additional data for their analytics and advertising services. Vorleser emphasises data confidentiality and follows legal data protection requirements. It also acknowledges users’ rights to access, block, or delete their data. Vorleser does not explicitly state compliance with the GDPR. See more here.
Saving work for future use Can work be saved for future use?: To some extent; audiobooks and accompanying materials can be downloaded.