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    Inventory of ICT tools

Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources

Welcome to the Inventory of freely available online tools and OERs for language teaching and learning developed by the ICT REV project. The tools have been selected by and for language educators. There are different ways to search for tools and various examples below. You can also suggest a tool to be added to the Inventory. 


Mentimeter, a tool to create interactive presentations and assess students

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ClassroomScreen, an interactive display board with several widgets and tools

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Genially, a creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics

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Padlet, a virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing

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Pitch, a tool to make collaborative presentations

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Hot Potatoes, a freeware suite of six apps for creating computer-based tests

Crossword puzzle creatorsQuiz/exercise makersIndividual workMany To OneVocabularyGrammarTeacherYou Supply

Description: Hot Potatoes is a software suite used for creating interactive exercises and quizzes for language learning and other educational purposes. Through Hot Potatoes, users can create various types of interactive exercises, including multiple-choice, short answer, crossword puzzles, and matching exercises. They can also customise the exercises with their own content and formatting preferences. Once created, exercises can be exported as HTML files and uploaded to learning management systems such as Moodle for students to access and complete. Hot Potatoes is free to use but requires installation. It was developed by Martin Holmes and Stewart Arneil at the University of Victoria in Canada.

Evaluation: Hot Potatoes is a valuable and handy tool for producing quizzes, tests, crosswords, and other testing materials for educational purposes. It may take some time to create tests, but in the long run, it is a great time-saver for teachers. Average IT skills are required for its use.

Cost: Free, requires installation.

Type Of Interaction: Individual work, Individual work,

Skills: Vocabulary, Grammar,

Content: You supply,

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