WordArt, a word cloud creator
Word cloud creatorsMany To OneVocabularyTeacherYou Supply
Description: WordArt is an online tool for creating word clouds or word art from text. Users can input text, customise fonts, layouts, shapes, and colours, and generate word art images. Importantly, the first word introduced becomes the biggest one in the cloud, then the second one the second biggest, and so on. Unlike similar tools in this repository, word size is determined by the order of entry and not by the frequency of their use. WordArt is free to use and does not require users to sign up for an account.
Evaluation: WordArt is useful for visualising text data or creating artistic representations of words or phrases. For teachers, it can help collect all important words of a specific topic and get students to work with them. Again, WordArt is not the right tool to display word frequency - instead, it is users who decide which words will have more prominence by inputting them first. WordArt features a premium version for downloading professional-quality images, but that is not necessary for classroom use.
Cost: Free + premium option available for professional quality downloading.
Type Of Interaction:
Individual work,
You supply,
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency
Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: Medium.
Interface language(s)
The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: English.
Respect for privacy
Privacy evaluations indicate how a tool handles personal data collection, storage, and sharing, including GDPR compliance and security measures, among others. The ICT-REV team provides them for informational purposes, reflecting our best understanding at the time of review, but assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these evaluations and encourages users to conduct their own assessments: Medium. WordArt does not collect personal information when using the service, and does so only when signing up for its newsletter, entering competitions, registering on the website, placing orders, contacting, or corresponding with the website. These include name, gender, birthdate, or contact information. WordArt does not seem to display advertisements on its interface. It uses cookies to collect data about user visits for various purposes, including functionality, analytics, and advertising, and provides information about managing and deleting them. It transfers user data for storing to Linode LLC, with security measures in place, such as firewalls, data encryption, and access controls. WordArt acknowledges users’ rights to access, rectify, and erase their data. WordArt does not state compliance with the GDPR. See more here.
Saving work for future use
Can work be saved for future use?: No, but users can download and print WordArts.