Clipchamp, a video creator and editor by Microsoft
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Description: Clipchamp is a video-editing in-built app on Windows 11 that can also be used in browser and app versions. Clipchamp can be employed to create videos, trim, split, compress, and finally download them. Users can include transitions and animated texts, as well as screen or webcam recordings. Moreover, it features a text-to-speech converter. It was developed by Clipchamp Pty Ltd and later acquired by Microsoft.
Evaluation: Clipchamp can be of great use for teachers and the creation of educational materials. For example, an assignment could be creating a video on a school topic, thus requiring them to do some research, and then present the results as a Clipchamp video. Watching and listening to their own videos could help also students improve their speaking and pronunciation skills. Clipchamp is user-friendly and time-saving, as it offers an intuitive interface and editing tools. While it may initially require some time to get familarised with it, only basic IT skills are required.
Cost: Free.
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency
Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: Medium; once the user becomes familiar with the software, it becomes relatively easy and time-efficient to use.
Interface language(s)
The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: Over 25 languages.
Respect for privacy
Privacy evaluations indicate how a tool handles personal data collection, storage, and sharing, including GDPR compliance and security measures, among others. The ICT-REV team provides them for informational purposes, reflecting our best understanding at the time of review, but assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these evaluations and encourages users to conduct their own assessments: Medium. Clipchamp’s privacy policy is now subsumed into Microsoft’s. Clipchamp collects personal data and shares it with third parties. Its privacy policy mentions that users can decline to provide data when requested and control it through the opt-out page. Clipchamp has security and fraud prevention mechanisms in place. The statement mentions legal obligations and privacy laws but does not explicitly state compliance with GDPR. See more here.
Saving work for future use
Can work be saved for future use?: Yes.