PONS, a multilingual translator, dictionary, vocabulary trainer
Autonomous learningTranslation toolsVerb conjugators
Description: PONS is a multilingual dictionary and language learning platform that provides translations, vocabulary training, and grammar explanations. Users can access dictionaries for various pairs, study vocabulary with flashcards, and practice grammar exercises. PONS translation is currently available in 27 and can be used in its browser version or as a device app. It offers a free limited yet comprehensive version and does not require signing up for use PONS, but doing so provides additional functionalities.
Evaluation: PONS is a valuable tool for translating, learning vocabulary, and practicing grammar. It provides translation in context and its materials are rigorous and pedagogical. With an account, PONS allows saving words as favourites and building a language library, which can be useful to prepare for language exams and others.
Cost: Free without registration + paid options available.
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency
Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: High.
Interface language(s)
The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: 14 languages.
Respect for privacy
Privacy evaluations indicate how a tool handles personal data collection, storage, and sharing, including GDPR compliance and security measures, among others. The ICT-REV team provides them for informational purposes, reflecting our best understanding at the time of review, but assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of these evaluations and encourages users to conduct their own assessments: Medium. PONS collects some user information, such as name or email address. It anonymously analyses such information for statistical purposes and to improve its websites, services and apps. In its free version, PONS also stores and uses cookies, device IDs and similar tracking technologies, and processes it pseudonymised into usage profiles in order to display usage-based advertising. PONS’ privacy policy mentions technical and organisational security precautions such as encryption. It also acknowledges users’ rights to access, modify and delete data. It complies with the GDPR. See more here.
Saving work for future use
Can work be saved for future use?: Yes, but it requires setting up an account.