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    Inventory of ICT tools

Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources

Welcome to the Inventory of freely available online tools and OERs for language teaching and learning developed by the ICT REV project. The tools have been selected by and for language educators. There are different ways to search for tools and various examples below. You can also suggest a tool to be added to the Inventory. 


Pitch, a tool to make collaborative presentations

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Mentimeter, a tool to create interactive presentations and assess students

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Padlet, a virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing

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ClassroomScreen, an interactive display board with several widgets and tools

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Genially, a creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics

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Language Challenges, an app to test knowledge about European languages

Game appsIndividual workWebsite/other users supply

Description: The Language Challenges app is an interactive language learning tool whose goal is to motivate and challenge learners to learn more European languages. It features a variety of quizzes and challenges for testing learners’ knowledge of European languages, allowing users to unlock progressive levels of difficulty. Examples of these tasks are identifying countries and their languages from images and texts, or guessing languages after hearing a recording. Language Challenges is free and available for download on both iOS and Android devices. It does not require users to sign up, have an account, or have access to the internet. There is also a printable option of its contents for those who do not want to download it. Language Challenge was developed by the ECML team.

Evaluation: Language Challenges is a fun and engaging tool to learn about Europe's linguistic richness and heritage. It is not a language-learning app but rather helps users learn to identify languages from pictures, texts, and recordings and thereby foster their intercultural skills. Language Challenges is particularly well-suited for children and teenagers, and it can foster educational competition since users can compete with one another, compare scores, and share achievements on social media. It is particularly suitable to be used as part of the European Day of Languages (26th September).

Cost: Free.

Type Of Interaction: Individual work,

Content: Website/other users supply,

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