Mixxer, an online language exchange platform
Virtual Exchange
Description: Mixxer is an online language exchange platform that connects language learners with native speakers for language practice and cultural exchange. Users can create profiles indicating the languages they speak and are learning, and then search for language partners based on their language preferences and interests. Mixxer facilitates language exchanges through text, voice, and video chat sessions hosted on platforms such as WhatsApp, Skype, and Zoom, allowing users to practice mainly speaking and listening to their target language. Users can also create blog entries in their target languages and receive feedback from other users. Mixxer is free to use and does not require any payment or subscription. Creating an account is optional. It was developed by Dickinson College.
Evaluation: Mixxer can be useful for learners of all levels to improve their conversational skills by finding language partners globally. For teachers of adult learners, a way to use the platform would be to create a group with their students and invite native speakers from other communities to join. Verification is needed to create a group as a teacher, providing some level of security. All in all, Mixxer is a fantastic way to expose students to organic language use and communication. It is essentially a virtual meeting point for language learners looking to help one another.
Cost: Free.
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: High.
Interface language(s) The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: English.
Respect for privacy What data does the tool collect and why? What security measures are there? GDPR compliant? : Medium/high. Mixxer collects users’ data and shares it with third parties, concretely with Google Analytics to improve their service. However, it is a strictly non-profit educational site hosted and run by Dickinson College and no data is used, shared or sold for commercial purposes. The privacy policy mentions reasonable security measures. Mixxer does not state compliance with the GDPR. See more here.
Saving work for future use Can work be saved for future use?: Yes, login required.