RhinoSpike, a platform to share audio recordings by native speakers
Autonomous learningAudio recording
Description: RhinoSpike is a tool that allows users to ask native speakers of their target language to read a text aloud for them. For that, users submit a text file and, eventually, receive back an audio file. User can also ask native speakers to transcribe an audio for them. RhinoSpike is free but requires registration for use.
Evaluation: Rhinospike is a valuable tool for learners who want to improve their pronunciation skills. It is a fantastic linguistic project by volunteers who have formed a genuine community. While it may take a while to get a native speaker to read aloud a specific passage, users can access thousands of existing recordings. However, it seems nowadays a bit of an outdated tool since some AI tools can do just that in seconds.
Cost: Free with registration.
Usability and tech notes ▼
Time efficiency Time needed to learn how to use a tool and its time-saving potential: Medium/low, users might have to wait sometime for recordings.
Interface language(s) The number of languages in which the tool is currently available/adaptable to: Interface in 11 languages, native recordings currently available in 71 languages.
Respect for privacy What data does the tool collect and why? What security measures are there? GDPR compliant? : Medium. Azabua, which operates Rhinospike, requires various types of information when signing up, such as email addresses or native languages. It also collects cookies such as device data. RhinoSpike uses the collected information for product and service provision, billing, identification and authentication, service improvement, contact, and research. It also shares aggregated and/or anonymous information with third parties for different purposes, among which marketing. Rhinospike does not state compliance with the GDPR. See more here.
Saving work for future use Can work be saved for future use?: Yes, recordings get saved and shared on the platform.