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    Inventory of ICT tools

Inventory of ICT tools and open educational resources

Welcome to the Inventory of freely available online tools and OERs for language teaching and learning developed by the ICT REV project. The tools have been selected by and for language educators. There are different ways to search for tools and various examples below. You can also suggest a tool to be added to the Inventory. 


Mentimeter, a tool to create interactive presentations and assess students

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ClassroomScreen, an interactive display board with several widgets and tools

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Genially, a creator of visual content such as presentations or infographics

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Pitch, a tool to make collaborative presentations

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Padlet, a virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing

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RubiStar, a rubric creator for student assessment

Marking and feedbackMany To OneTeacherYou Supply

Description: Rubistar is a tool for creating rubrics to assess student work. Users input criteria and performance levels, and Rubistar generates a rubric template. Also, Rubistar features pre-made rubrics for different topics (e.g. Reading, Writing, Math, Art, etc.). Rubrics can then be printed for classroom use and saved for later with an account. Rubistar also allows editing, duplicating, analysing, or deleting rubrics. Rubrics can be set as temporary or permanent, with temporary rubrics expiring in one week, and permanent ones being stored indefinitely. Finally, Rubistar assigns an ID number to each rubric, making them easier to locate. Rubrics are also assigned an ID number to find later. It can be used without creating an account, but signing up allows easier access.

Evaluation: Rubistar is a helpful tool for teachers to create their rubrics and facilitate assessing students’ performance. Also, it can be a great time saver, especially if using existing rubrics posted by other users on the website. Sharing rubrics in advance with students can also help them better grasp what is being asked of them and evaluated, providing guidance. Finally, Rubistar provides an analysing feature to help teachers understand where students need more support. For example, if teachers realise that students make the most mistakes in a specific exercise, they can input students’ answers on Rubistar to comprehend the problem better and find solutions.

Cost: Free.

Type Of Interaction: Individual work,

Content: You supply,

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