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225 tools in total
Reference manager and document organiser
Website bookmarker, highlighter, and annotator
Platform to share and find materials for language teaching
An open-source research and citation manager
Website with games for 79 languages
Flashcard creator and manager
German public broadcasting service; resources for learning German
Pronunciation Dictionary
Google's platform for classroom management
Teaching, managing, and communication tool for schools
Interactive virtual whiteboard
Videoconferencing tool by Google
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Quiz, poll and assessment tool
Guess-the-word game
Jeopardy-style game creator
Comic, graphic novel and storyboard creator
Online spinner tool
Grading app for paper-based quizzes
Interactive timeline creator
Note-taking app
Free image, illustration, graphic, and video bank
Text to narrated video creator
Audio recording and editing tool
AI-powered music creation tool
Multilingual translator, dictionary, vocabulary trainer.
AI-powered graphic design platform
AI-powered suite of writing tools
Bilingual dictionary and translation tool