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221 tools in total
Slide presenting tool
Game app for learning maths and English
Word cloud creator
Animated story and cartoon creator
Tool to take, organise, and share notes and files
Platform to share and find materials for language teaching
Virtual collaboration canvas for content sharing
An open-source research and citation manager
Audio edition app for iOS
Free and open-source toolbox for education
AI-powered online video creator
Animated explainer video creator
Help us improve the directory!
Bilingual dictionary and translation tool
Multilingual translation with many features
AI-powered music creation tool
AI chatbot that generates human-like responses
Creator of listening comprehension quizzes out of videos
Activity, game and quiz creator
Animated presentation and short video creator
Puzzle and game maker
Open-source web conferencing tool
Virtual resource organiser
Virtual pinboard for content creation/sharing and for collaborative working
Platform to create eLearning courses and lessons
a corpus-based platform for language learning and analysis.
Digital library with passages for reading comprehension
Tool to analyse text content and readability
Multilingual visual dictionary