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Webinare des EFSZ

Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 16:00 -17:00 (CET - Graz time)

Webinar "Opportunities and challenges for plurilingual and intercultural education in times of AI”

Artificial intelligence has entered our daily lives and is changing our relationship to others and the way we consider the world in profound and lasting ways. What is the impact on education and in particular on language education? As technology continues to evolve, what kind of adaptation and transformation is required?

In response to these challenges and to help language professionals embrace what this means for plurilingual and intercultural education, the ECML is launching a series of webinars focusing on AI. 

In this first webinar, Jonas Erin, ECML expert from the French Ministry of National Education, will take a critical look at the landscape of AI in education and will outline both the opportunities and challenges for language education in its endeavours to strengthen democratic culture.

With the support of Council of Europe/ECML tools, the webinar will include: 

  • Navigating the magma of AI tools
  • Understanding and mitigating the impact of AI on language
  • Adapting and transforming language teaching and learning
  • Exploring the future

Target groups: all those involved in language education

The webinar will also offer the opportunity to interact with the moderator through posting questions in a chat function.

Language: English and French

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A recording (of the presentations only) will be made available shortly after the event.


Anmerkung: Das EFSZ kann für die Teilnahme an diesem Webinar leider keine Bestätigungen ausstellen.

Previous webinars

Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning   (11 Dez 2024)

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Webinar "Aligning to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Companion Volume: a continuous process"   (19 Sep 2024)

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Exploring the potential of action research in language education: Opportunities and challenges in local and global contexts   (21 Mai 2024)

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Webinar 4 “A Council of Europe Recommendation on language education: challenging societal attitudes towards language and culture"   (22 Feb 2024)

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Strengthening support for regional and minority languages within a plurilingual context”   (07 Nov 2023)

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ECML webinar for potential proposal writers: Call for proposals for the “Language education at the heart of democracy” programme (2024-27)   (12 Jun 2023)

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Launch event for the ECML Call for proposals for its 2024-27 programme: Language education at the heart of democracy   (15 Mai 2023)

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Webinar 3 "A new Council of Europe Recommendation on language education: the importance of teacher education"   (29 Mrz 2023)

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Creating pathways between digital citizenship and language education: Defining a pedagogical framework and its accompanying tasks   (10 Nov 2022)

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Webinar 2 "A new Council of Europe Recommendation on language education: defining plurilingual and intercultural education"   (23 Sep 2022)

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Webinar 1 “A new Council of Europe Recommendation on language education”   (14 Jun 2022)

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Webinar "Language learners’ voices – lessons learned from Covid"   (17 Mai 2022)

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Webinar “Supporting the linguistic integration of young refugees from Ukraine”   (12 Mai 2022)

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Webinar “Action research communities for language teachers”   (08 Mrz 2022)

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Webinar “Roadmap for supporting the language(s) of schooling”   (21 Okt 2021)

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Webinar “Fostering digital citizenship through language education”   (22 Jun 2021)

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Webinar "The future of language education – learning lessons from the pandemic"   (27 Apr 2021)

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Webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Making home schooling motivating and fun”   (11 Mrz 2021)

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Webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Two challenges, one response"   (03 Dez 2020)

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Webinar "How to ensure that languages flourish in your school"   (12 Okt 2020)

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Webinar "Take your language teaching online!"   (06 Mai 2020)

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Webinar "PALINGUI – Language learning pathways of young children: How to make language learning visible"   (05 Mrz 2020)

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ECML livestream “Strengthening support for regional and minority languages within a plurilingual context”

With over 200 indigenous languages in Europe, as well as many languages brought to the continent through immigration, many regional and minority languages (RMLs) find themselves in competition with Europe’s more dominant and economically powerful languages. When a language ceases to be used by all generations and in all aspects of life and instead becomes limited to certain age groups and/or certain domains of society – there is a danger that it enters a spiral of decline which can eventually lead to extinction.

This event will look at examples relating to the promotion of regional and minority languages from around Europe. A series of short presentations will focus specifically on  educational practice in contexts where regional and minority languages (RMLs)  are prevalent and are part of the curriculum and/or a language of schooling.These will cover a wide range of languages, locations and educational settings and will highlight examples of practice which are potentially transferable/adaptable to other contexts.

The presentations will address the following issues. 

  • Implementation of the Council of Europe’s Romani-Plurilingual Policy Experimentation (Slovakia)
  • Promoting the Romansh language to different target groups (Switzerland)
  • Policy and innovative practice in teaching Walloon language (Belgium)
  • RMLs within the public education system in France 
  • Curriculum, examinations, and assessment for RMLs in Norway - challenges and solutions  
  • How ECML publications can be used in promoting RMLs
  • Innovative teaching practices to foster student motivation in the Basque and Friulian contexts 
  • Minority education regulation in Slovenia with best practices from the bilingual area of Prekmurje

The event will also look at the further support required by the professional community in this area. 

Target audience:  Language education professionals working with regional and minority languages at any educational level and Educational administrators /policy makers who are involved with RMLs in national education systems 

This event is organised within the framework of the European Centre for Modern Languages’ 2023 cooperation action with the European Commission. It will involve representatives from the 38 member states of the ECML and the European Union, as well as key networks and associations active in the area of RMLs.

Recorded 7 November 2023

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE-4nu2BcLA
Webinar in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quonz1QhqPk
Website: www.ecml.at/rmlcolloquium
Programme: See full programme of the colloquium (NB: the morning session only will be livestreamed)

This initiative is carried out within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the European Centre for Modern Languages and the European Commission, entitled 
Innovative methodologies and assessment in language learning

ECML webinar for potential proposal writers: Call for proposals for the “Language education at the heart of democracy” programme (2024-27)

Are you interested in submitting a project proposal for the European Centre for Modern Languages’ (ECML) next programme? 

Following the ECML’s recent launch of  the Call for project proposals for its 2024-2027 programme, entitled “Language education at the heart of democracy”, the Centre is offering a practical  2-hour webinar targeted directly at language professionals interested in submitting a project proposal. 

The webinar will address topics such as:

  • Key elements of an ECML project
  • What makes a successful project proposal
  • How I prepared my project (the experiences of a current project coordinator)
  • Finding relevant Council of Europe resources and how to build on these
  • How to find team members
  • Completing the project submission form (explanations and tips)

The webinar will include a 45-minute group-work session to enable participants to ask questions about the Call and the submission procedure.

It will also address, in greater depth, issues presented in the initial launch webinar on 15 May and in the Call document. Participants should take note of these resources in preparation for the event, as well as familiarising themselves with the Call website which contains the submission form and the project selection criteria.

As only a limited amount of places are available for the Zoom webinar, registration will be based on a first come, first served basis  - participants will be asked to indicate their preferred working language for the  breakout room discussions. Participants will also be expected to think about possible questions and proposal topics to discuss in the group work.

A recording (of the presentations only)  will be made available via the Call website shortly after the event. For this reason, participants will be asked at registration to agree to the recording.

Recorded 12 June 2023

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN9SpGE7GcQ
Webinar in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsxcox7Dmh4
Download: Powerpoint presentation

Webinar "Creating pathways between digital citizenship and language education: Defining a pedagogical framework and its accompanying tasks" 

Digital citizenship education represents both a societal need and a priority of the Council of Europe. If you wish to discover ways this dimension can be explored in language teaching and learning, then this webinar is for you.

The European Centre for Modern Languages e-lang citizen project team will present the main tenets of their pedagogical approach, as well as concrete tasks to be adapted to various teaching and learning environments. The objective of these tasks is to develop both language skills and digital citizenship.

The webinar will provide an opportunity to showcase the latest project developments and productions.

Target group: language teachers and teacher trainers.

Recorded 10 November 2022

Webinar in English and French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wM7p90QkOac 
Download: Powerpoint presentation

Webinar 3 "A new Council of Europe Recommendation on language education: the importance of teacher education"

In June 2022, the ECML launched a series of 4 webinars on Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)1 on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for a culture of democracy, which was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in February 2022. 

The first webinar focused on the main messages for decision-makers and first steps for implementation. In the second webinar, Professor David Little provided an analysis of the definition of plurilingual and intercultural education that forms the basis of the Recommendation, while examining the educational and societal challenges that the Recommendation aims to address. 

In this third webinar in the series, Professor Mirjam Egli Cuenat, will focus on the importance that Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)1 places on teacher education: what are the specific recommendations with regard to initial and in-service teacher education? What are their implications for training programmes? How can they be implemented in practice? These questions will be addressed using concrete examples from teacher education for different target levels.

The final webinar in the series will then focus on societal engagement for successful implementation of the Recommendation.

Recorded 29 March 2023

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPia_5wiDHA
Webinar in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx3lxsMDOYU
Download: Powerpoint presentation (in French)

Launch event for the ECML Call for proposals for its 2024-27 programme: Language education at the heart of democracy

Are you interested in addressing key challenges in language education working within a unique European platform? The European Centre for Modern Languages is launching the Call for project proposals for its next programme, “Language education at the heart of democracy”, starting in January 2024, and based on identified priorities in language education of the Centre’s member states.  

This one-hour webinar:

  • introduces the focus of the Call for proposals and the rationale behind the new programme;
  • highlights the most pressing challenges in language education elicited from a recent survey covering policy makers and language education professionals in the 35 member states of the ECML;
  • provides information on how to become involved in the Centre’s next programme and explains the different possibilities for engagement;
  • outlines both the benefits and challenges of coordinating/being involved in an ECML project.

The event is aimed at language professionals with an interest in the international context of language education, ECML national contacts and networks cooperating with the Centre. The ECML is also particularly keen to reach out to newcomers and to encourage the next generation of language professionals to engage in its work.

This introductory webinar will be followed up by a 2nd event on 12 June focusing specifically on potential project proposal writers.

Recorded 15 May 2023

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOtYEY64vqo
Webinar in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unRF9JIPwS0
Download: powerpoint presentation

Webinar “Supporting the linguistic integration of young refugees from Ukraine”

Has your school opened its doors to refugees from Ukraine? What impact has this had on learning and teaching?  Do you feel confident in supporting learners who struggle to understand you or to make themselves understood?  Do you have access to appropriate resources?  

This webinar will provide you with guidance and teaching resources to address these new challenges and ensure a welcoming atmosphere, conducive to learning. You will discover how best to value this linguistic diversity in your classroom in ways that also foster the development of the language of schooling. 

Target group: pre-primary, primary and secondary teachers (of languages and other subjects)

Recorded 12 May 2022

Webinar in English: www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4Wa1lU2PWY
Download: powerpoint presentation

Webinar “Roadmap for supporting the language(s) of schooling”

We know that language lies at the heart of all learning; we know that highly developed competences in the language of schooling are key to learner achievement. But do we understand the importance of adopting a whole-school approach for identifying and addressing learners’ linguistic needs?

If you would like to find out about the benefits of a whole-school approach when it comes to the language of schooling, as well as tips on how to engage all stakeholders in your school community, then this webinar is for you. 

Roadmap is a web-based, user-friendly resource for creating a strategic whole-school development plan which will foster inclusion by raising awareness of all languages present in the school community and provide concrete guidance on how to advance learners’ competences in the language(s) of schooling. 

It offers an interactive self-assessment tool, practical materials and a large database of promising practices and can be adapted to specific national contexts. One such adaptation has already taken place in Ireland- why and how this was done will be presented at the webinar. 

The webinar is intended for all those working in language education and on language-related themes within school development - teachers, teacher educators, school leaders and administrators.

Recorded 21 October 2021

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGqMab9rdMM 

Webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Two challenges, one response"


No one knows when the world will find a solution to the Covid-19 problem, and no one knows whether we shall ever return to what we think of as normality. In these circumstances, it seems appropriate to start looking for effective responses to the educational challenges posed by Covid-19. Members of the Council of Europe’s Standing Committee for Education Policy and Practice and the ECML’s Governing Board have identified public examinations and distance learning as areas of particular concern in language education. This webinar will briefly discuss these concerns and outline a possible response based on the CEFR and its Companion Volume.

Target group: The webinar is intended for language education decision makers – e.g. those responsible for policy and/or for curricula and assessment who are interested in the issues raised and would like to explore the possibility of working towards a solution in collaboration with other countries under the aegis of the ECML.

With David Little, Trinity College Dublin

Recorded 3 December 2020

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qq4lWCJB8E
Download: powerpoint presentation

Webinar "PALINGUI – Language learning pathways of young children: How to make language learning visible"

Language learning pathways are becoming more and more diverse as a result of linguistic and cultural diversity. This diversity means that young people can grow up with multiple languages and cultures, different practices and customs, as well as different ways of speaking and writing.

The new PALINGUI project of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe (ECML) will be looking at these diverse linguistic journeys of young learners and how to make these visible.

  • How can we show young children’s daily language learning? What are the key stages of their development? How can we evaluate language learning and ensure that it is appreciated and valued?
  • How can we support young children’s understanding of their own learning and help them describe their next steps in their own language learning journey? 
  • How can we document learning and progress in a well-founded and understandable way?
  • How can we do this in the face of our demanding daily school life, without losing sight of the curriculum and without creating extra work

Recorded 5 March 2020.

Webinar in English and French: https://youtu.be/ugoFpSJOaCY
Download: powerpoint presentation

Webinar “Aktions­forschungs­netzwerke für Sprachen­lehrer*innen”

  • Wie kann Aktionsforschung den Sprachunterricht unterstützen?
  • Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie mit Aktionsforschung gemacht?
  • Welche Instrumente wurden im Rahmen des Projekts "Aktions­forschungs­netzwerke für Sprachen­lehrer*innen" entwickelt und wie können Sie sie in Ihrem Kontext einsetzen?

In diesem Webinar befassen wir uns mit den Erfahrungen des ARC-Projekts und Aktionsforschung im Sprachunterricht, wobei wir uns insbesondere auf die jüngsten Erfahrungen konzentrieren.

Während des Webinars stellen wir das ARC-Projekt vor, das auf der Überzeugung beruht, dass es die Lehrkräfte sind, die im Mittelpunkt des Qualitätsprozesses im Sprachunterricht stehen. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, Lehrkräfte in europäischen Klassenzimmern zu unterstützen, indem wir Aktionsforschung als wesentliches Instrument für die Entwicklung einer reflektierten Unterrichtspraxis einsetzen und Wege aufzeigen, wie Lehrkräfte ihr Selbstvertrauen und ihre Professionalität stärken können.

Wir werden die ARC-Spirale als Diskussionsgrundlage nutzen, Werkzeuge vorstellen, die die ARC-Gemeinschaft für die Lehrer*innenausbildung entwickelt hat, und über einige der erstaunlichsten Aktionsforschungsprojekte berichten, die Teilnehmer*innen des Projekts und der Training & Consultancies 2020 und 2021 durchgeführt haben.

Zielpublikum:  Das Webinar richtet sich an alle Sprachlehrer*innen von der Primarstufe bis zur Universität sowie an Aktionsforscher*innen aus anderen Bereichen, die mehr über den Sprachunterricht erfahren möchten.

Moderation: Christine Lechner, Tita Mihaiu und Renata Scaratti-Zanin

Webinar auf Englisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH1qAN_xeUI 
Webinar auf Deutsch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFRM1NuCUTI

Webinar 2 "A new Council of Europe Recommendation on language education: defining plurilingual and intercultural education"

In June this year the ECML launched a series of webinars on Recommendation R(2022)1 on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in February 2022. The first webinar, which can be viewed here, explained the background to the Recommendation, focused on key messages for decision-makers and offered suggestions for awareness-raising activities and for first steps towards implementation. 

In this second webinar, Professor David Little will analyse the definition of plurilingual and intercultural education on which the Recommendation is based. He will consider the educational and societal challenges the Recommendation is designed to address, and outline what he believes to be its principal implications for curricula and pedagogy.

Subsequent webinars in the series will focus on the importance of both teacher education and societal engagement for successful implementation of the Recommendation. 

Target group: curriculum planners; school leaders; teachers of all subjects

Recorded 23 September 2022 

Video in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW-Dp470joM 
Video in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyBcuQdnUgs
Download: Powerpoint presentation

Webinar “Language learners’ voices – lessons learned from Covid”

Would you like to find out more about our initiative - "The future of language education in the light of Covid"?  Would you be interested in helping us understand how learners’ experienced language learning and teaching during the pandemic so that together we can build a more promising future for language education? 

This webinar will provide an overview of the initiative, present the initial findings from a pilot project based on classroom activities to elicit learners’ voices and invite participating teachers to take part in the next stage.

Target group: language teachers (all levels)

The initiative is coordinated by the ECML’s Professional Network Forum and takes place in cooperation with the European Commission.

Recorded 17 May 2022

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SswVU_3liBs
Download: powerpoint presentation

Webinar “Fostering digital citizenship through language education”

  • What is a digital citizen?
  • How does digital citizenship education link up with language education? 
  • What type of digital language tasks can support learners to become digital citizens?

If you have ever asked or tried to answer any of these questions, this webinar, which took place within the activities of the current European Centre for Modern Languages’ project “Digital citizenship through language education” (e-lang citizen), will be of interest to you.

Primarily targeted at language teachers and teacher trainers, the webinar proposes a profile of a digital citizen as a user of languages and digital technology, based on the analysis of around one hundred recently published texts containing a definition of the “digital citizen” or identifying elements constituting digital citizenship.

The links between digital citizenship education and language education – social interaction and communication skills, plurilingual competences and mediation– have been explored during the event.

Within the project, the coordinating team, from 5 different countries, aims to establish a database, providing concrete and practical learning activities and tasks for developing digital citizenship in the language classroom. The webinar offers a look into the initial materials created. Interested experts will also find out how they can further engage with the project.

Recorded 22 June 2021

Webinar in English and French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxlN4n4fmTQ

Webinar "Covid-19 and language education: Making home schooling motivating and fun” 

ECML webinar for parents/carers, teachers and others involved in supporting the home learning of children and young people, especially those whose first language is not necessarily the language of schooling 

The Covid pandemic continues to dominate our lives and although schools in some countries are open again, there are still many young people who are learning from home, on a full or part-time basis. Linking to the theme of learner autonomy from the previous ECML webinar, Covid-19 and language education: Two challenges, one response, this latest webinar will focus on resources for the home-schooling of children and young people and how these can be successfully adapted to meet the needs of learners whose first language is not the language of schooling.

Déirdre Kirwan, ECML expert within the project Inspiring Language Learning – why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3 to 12 years and co-author of Engaging with Linguistic Diversity: A Study of Educational Inclusion in an Irish Primary School (2019), will present a range of practical ideas, many of them from the ECML’s Treasure Chest of Resources for learners, parents and teachers, which help ensure that home learning:

  • is learner-centred, motivating and fun for everyone involved
  • develops learners’ plurilingual repertoires - not only the language of schooling, but foreign languages and children’s home languages
  • supports young people’s wellbeing despite social isolation
  • gives parents/carers confidence in supporting their children’s learning
  • includes self-management tools to develop learner autonomy and track progress

Recorded 11 March 2021

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAEZO_zPQVc
powerpoint presentation

Webinar "Take your language teaching online!"

Recorded 6, 8 and 11 May 2020.

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lt1gqzMBv0
Webinar in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrM13-eqonE
Webinar in German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCDi4Uh9MFE

Webinar "How to ensure that languages flourish in your school"

Would you describe your school as language-sensitive? Were teachers able to address the different linguistic needs of learners during lockdown? How well is your school adapting to hybrid ways of working? Are you looking for inspiring ideas for launching whole-school language projects? 

If you are a headteacher, inspector or in a role that supports teacher development in relation to language education, this webinar is for you. By showing you a range of easy-to-use resources developed through the ECML project EOL – learning environments where foreign languages flourish – and adapted to hybrid learning, it will help you see how much your school can benefit from taking a holistic approach to language education which supports all learners reach their potential. It also offers an excellent opportunity to promote collective reflection around the challenges that schools are facing as the pandemic continues.

Recorded 12 Oct 2020

Webinar in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QW_RT2W2fc
Webinar in French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QZod3OLyz4
Downloads: powerpoint presentationparticipants’ answers on Menti - Padlet