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    Language for work

Language for work: how to support work-related language learning for adult migrants

Themes and


Work-related language skills are crucial to the integration and participation of adult migrants. New approaches are emerging across Europe to help them develop those skills. This offer brings together a team of experts familiar with these approaches to offer practical guidance to teachers, employers, trade unions, labour market administrators, policymakers and others working in this field.

This training & consultancy activity is a result of the project "Language for work".

Target groups

  • Teacher trainers;
  • Language teachers, vocational teachers;
  • Learning providers;
  • Civil servants responsible for integration programmes;
  • Linguistic researchers;
  • Employer organisations and trade unions;
  • Human resources;
  • Policymakers.

The team is open to consultation with national agencies regarding target group(s), according to needs and priorities of member statesstakeholders who are concerned with teacher education across languages and different subjects.

Results and benefits

This training and consultancy activity will enable participants to 

  • increase their knowledge and skills regarding practical ways to support work-related L2 learning;
  • enhance local resources to support work-related L2 learning.

Expected cooperation from local organisers requesting this offer

  • One or more interlocutors at senior level to discuss needs and objectives identified by the member state 
  • Information about current approaches and specific needs at local level 
  • Access to the relevant target groups ;
  • Co-organisation of local Training and consultancy event (i.e. workshop, seminar, consultation).

see also: Practical information

Videos of an ECML training workshop in 2021

Developing practical approaches to supporting sustainable and effective supports for developing workplace language skills of adult migrants in Ireland

Local organisers of this ECML training and consultancy event: Dr Deirdre Ni Loingsigh (University of Limerick (UL)) , Dr Catherine Martin (UL), Ciara Considine (UL) and Tara Robinson (Limerick & Clare Education Training Board)


Request ECML Training and Consultancy activity for 2023

Requests for a training and consultancy activity must be submitted via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board. Educational professionals interested in a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative. 

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Training and consultancy offer
"Language for work"

Trainings can be conducted in English, French, German, Swedish, Dutch, Italian.

This offer is targeted at teacher trainers, language teachers, vocational teachers, learning providers, civil servants responsible for integration programmes, linguistic researchers, employer organisations and trade unions, human resources, policymakers.

Format of activity

    Consultancy (face-to-face, or via e.g. Skype, email, telephone) to support member states develop/review:

    • strategic initiatives, including policy initiatives;
    • specific local initiatives;
    • resources.

    Training for groups to help develop knowledge and skills in member states regarding practical ways to support work-related L2 learning, including:

    • awareness-raising to stimulate engagement with the issue;
    • analysis of learning needs;
    • different types of interventions to support formal, non-formal and informal learning;
    • resource development;
    • evaluation of interventions.

    Formats of training

    • face-to-face training;
    • webinar.

    Face-to-face training can include seminars and workshops, with a range of durations (according to the preferences of the specific member state). All members of the proposed team are experienced trainers and consultants, committed to participative, interactive, experiential, practice-oriented, and reflexive methodologies. Training includes a variety of interactive methods and media (e.g. individual and group work, inputs and discussions, project work).

    Suggested formats for e.g. teacher development

    • Two sessions, three months apart - allowing participants time to prepare a piece of practical work, present its results and reflect on experience, e.g. enablers and barriers;
    • Sessions to take workshop format, i.e. interactive group work, supported by input and feedback from the team, enabling participants to take action.

    Content will be tailored to the actual context and needs to be identified by the individual member state for the target group.

    Possible examples: 

    • L2 teachers in adult education, vocational teachers, educational providers: Investigating language requirements of (future) workplaces and needs of the parties involved. Implementation of the needs analysis’ findings into a realistic curriculum; exploiting the L2 resources of the working environment, use of information technology, promoting the issue with labour market actors, employers, etc. marketing provision, etc. 
    • Employers, HR managers other labour market actors: awareness for L2 issues in the context of work, enablers of and barriers to work-related L2 learning, creating learning opportunities at work, etc.
    • Teachers, volunteers, co-workers, employers interested in non-formal and informal learning arrangements on the jobs: exploring different types of support, mentoring, coaching, non-directive coaching, requested skills and necessary structures: how to acquire skills and create structures
    • Decision-makers at different level: social partners; educational decision-makers and policy makers: “future-workshop”: how to develop a vision and break it down to a concrete action plan.

    Further issues:

    • Outreach and work-related L2 development for isolated workers in so called free-lance and gig-economy employment;
    • Communication competences in bilingual work environments.

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