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The QUALIROM project

The Project QUALITY EDUCATION IN ROMANI FOR EUROPE aims for piloting the Curriculum Framework for Romani (CFR) and the corresponding European Language Portfolio Models (ELPs) which – based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – were developed by the Council of Europe.
For the ECML's training & consultancy offer for Quality education in Romani for Europe please click here.

The socio-cultural situation of Roma differs both between and within single regions. Consequently, the schooling situation of Roma children and their need concerning Romani teaching varies considerably: learners are speaking different varieties with different levels of proficiency and they resp. their parents have different attitudes towards Romani teaching: factors that have been taken into account in the set-up of the project.

The CFR includes the reference levels A1-B2 and although the ELPs were created for learners in primary and lower secondary schools only, QualiRom also pilotes the CFR on upper secondary and tertiary level as well as in further education. Furthermore teacher training modules are developed for all levels of Romani teaching. The implementation on primary and secondary level takes place in up to three schools in Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Slovakia and in the Republic of Serbia as third country participant with the participation of Romania as an experienced partner in Romani teaching for evaluation and possible future implementation. Romani courses are offered for students and adult learners at Graz university and are adopted by the partner universities. Activities are realised in close cooperation with local Romani teachers and local as well as national educational authorities. To ensure professional realisation, teachers at all levels are prepared comprehensively for the handling of the CFR and its ELPs by experts of the European Centre for Modern languages (ECML).

Download details here


  • ROMANI TEACHING on primary, secondary and tertiary level as well as in further education for adult learners;
  • TEACHER TRAINING for Romani teaching on all levels of education;
  • TEACHING MATERIALS for various contexts available online.

QUALIROM started at December 1st 2010 and is scheduled for 36 months. Results will be made public at the end of the project.


  • P1 Karl Franzens University Graz Austria
  • P2 Charles University Prague Czech Republic
  • P3 University of Helsinki Finland
  • P4 National Centre for Roma Culture / Bucharest Romania
  • P5 Private Gymnasium Kremnica Slovakia
  • P6  European Centre for Modern Languages / Graz Austria
  • PTC1 University of Belgrade Serbia
  • PTC2 University of Novi Sad Serbia

Associated Partners:

  • Romano Centro – Association for Roma / Vienna Austria
  • Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science / Sofia Bulgaria
  • Research Institute for the Languages of Finland / Helsinki Finland
  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences / Budapest Hungary
  • Intercultural Institute of Timişoara / Timişoara Romania
  • University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Education  Slovenia
  • Diskrimineringsombudsmannen (DO) / Stockholm Sweden