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    Ressources du CELV

Ressources du CELV

Le travail du CELV témoigne d'une volonté et d'un engagement collectifs pour améliorer la qualité de l'éducation aux langues dans des périodes difficiles. Les publications illustrent le dévouement et l'implication active de toutes celles et de tous ceux qui ont pris part à une série de projets internationaux et d'activités de formation et de conseil. La promotion des résultats du programme et leur adaptation aux différents environnements d'apprentissage sont assurées par des points de contact nationaux dans chacun des États membres du Centre. Plus d'informations

Ressource du CELV
DOTS: Developing online teaching skills

Many language teachers want to use up-to-date technology in their teaching but often do not have the time or resources for the necessary training. This training kit presents bite-size activities for ten popular tools that even the busiest language professionals can fit into their schedule. Working through training units which can be completed in around 30 minutes, teachers will get to know the uses and pedagogic benefits of online tools and learn how to integrate them into their language classes.

On the workspace, users can join a community of language professionals and online teaching experts to watch video clips of experts explaining their use of tools and discuss different experiences and needs. They can also create their own training activities, upload materials for others to use and translate the existing activities into various languages.


  • The training kit for language teachers contains 30 bite-size activities for self-training in using Moodle, wikis, forums, blogs, audio-conferencing, Audacity, online surveys, YouTube, podcasting and quizzes.

  • The offline version of the activities (on the data stick) can be used without access to the Internet.

  • The online version (on the workspace) contains additional interactive features and encourages collaboration with others.

Groupe(s) cible(s) : enseignantsformateurs d'enseignants

Année de publication : 2011

Auteur(s) : Tita Beaven, Martina Emke, Pauline Ernest, Aline Germain-Rutherford, Regine Hampel, Joseph Hopkins, Mateusz-Milan Stanojevic, Ursula Stickler

Documents promotionnels:
Flygblad (SV)
Flyer (DE) (EN)


Liens et documents disponibles :

DOTS Website (EN) (DE)

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