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Inspiring language learning in the early years
Why it matters and what it looks like for children age 3-12

What it is
Guiding principles
Inspiring practice
Quiz & FAQ
Links and further reading

Quiz & FAQ

Myth or fact?

Teachers, educators and parents often have a lot of preconceived ideas about languages and language learning – especially about young learners. Some of these ideas are misconceptions or myths. In the quiz below you have an opportunity to reflect on your own ideas and attitudes.

1. My mother tongue is all I need.

Myth   Fact

2. I’m not bilingual/multilingual. I can only speak one language.

Myth   Fact

3. Most people in the world use more than one language.

Myth   Fact

4. English is the only language children need.

Myth   Fact

5. Children get confused if they learn more than one language at the same time.

Myth   Fact

6. I can’t help a child to learn or use a language I don’t know (well enough) myself.

Myth   Fact

7. If learners don’t know the language of schooling, they’ll learn it best by being exposed to that language only - and by using that language only.

Myth   Fact

8. Continued use of the home language(s) will interfere with children’s learning of the language of schooling.

Myth   Fact

9. My job is to teach X as a foreign language and not to deal with other languages in my classroom.

Myth   Fact

Foire aux questions

Les questions suivantes sont souvent posées par les enseignants/éducateurs concernant la nature multilingue de leur groupe/classe et leurs inquiétudes quant à l’inclusion des répertoires linguistiques des enfants dans les situations d’enseignement et d’apprentissage. En tant qu’enseignants, nous comprenons ces préoccupations. Nous avons partagé nos réponses à ces questions et espérons qu’elles vous seront utiles.

Frequently asked questions

The following questions are often asked by teachers/educators concerning the multilingual nature of their group/class and also their anxieties apropos the inclusion of children’s linguistic repertoires in teaching and learning situations. As teachers, we understand these concerns. We have shared our answers to these questions and hope they will be of help.