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Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education

Building block 1:
What is language-sensitive education and why is it important?

The purpose of Building block 1 is to discuss two key questions for curriculum planners, teacher educators and (future) teachers before they work on any of the other Building blocks: What is ‘language-sensitive education’? Why should all teachers be ‘language-sensitive’?

Download Building block 1
in English or French

Who is this Building block for?

  • those responsible for the content and quality of teacher education curricula at undergraduate and postgraduate level, 
  • curriculum planners and curriculum developers for teacher education,
  • teacher educators and those organising professional development for practising teachers.

Some of the tasks and questions in this Building block may also be useful to stimulate discussion with teachers and student teachers at all educational levels.

Main objectives

  • to ensure that the term ‘language-sensitive education’ as it is used in all the Building blocks is understood;
  • to make it clear why language-sensitive education is important for all stakeholders at all levels of education, from pre-school to further and higher education;
  • to stimulate discussion about the importance of language sensitivity in your specific educational context.