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    Blocs modulaires pour une formation enseignante sensible à la dimension linguistique
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Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education

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Further questions for reflection

The questions below focus on some ways in which lesson observation assignments and teaching practice that form part of teacher education could be redesigned to highlight the importance of language sensitivity.

TASK A  If there is an opportunity to do so, how would you reorganise the lesson observation and teaching practice module(s) in your institution to ensure that students pay more attention to language sensitivity in their practice? Who would be involved in the reorganisation process?

TASK B On the basis of your experience of doing the tasks in the previous sections, which elements would you develop further or incorporate into your future work as a teacher educator?

  • lesson observation criteria;
  • learner and peer feedback;
  • guided lesson / video observation;
  • focus points on language-sensitive teaching for the planning of teaching practice;
  • other relevant aspects, possibly including some aspects from the above list of criteria.

Beacco, J.-C., Fleming, M., Goullier, F., Thürmann, E., Vollmer, H., with contributions by J. Sheils. (2016). The language dimension in all subjects - A handbook for curriculum development and teacher training. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. https://rm.coe.int/a-handbook-for-curriculum-development-and-teacher-training-the-languag/16806af387

Herder, A. & Pleumeekers, J. (2022). Handreiking kijkwijzers taalgericht vakonderwijs (Observation Guidance for Language-oriented Vocational Education) Amersfoort: SLO.

Van Eerde, D., Hacquebord, H. I., Hajer, M., & Pulles, M. (2006). Kijkwijzer voor taalgericht onderwijs. SLO/Platform Taalgericht Vakonderwijs.