Other resources
“Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht - Verknüpfung von inhaltlichen und sprachlichen Lernzielen in jedem Fachunterricht”
Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und die Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK)
“Blended Learning Fortbildungen: Kurse, Bausteine, Einheiten”: https://www.biss-sprachbildung.de/angebote-fuer-die-praxis/blended-learning/kurse-bausteine-einheiten/
These blended learning courses are aimed at educational professionals including teachers working at the three stages of school education: pre-primary, primary and secondary. The courses cover basic overarching and stage-specific areas. There are also units on the practical use of assessment tools and on measures to foster language development.
Also: information about the research network and projects: https://www.biss-sprachbildung.de/forschung-und-entwicklung/forschungsnetzwerk/allgemeine-informationen/
Josef Leisen
“Sprachbildung und Bildungssprache” http://www.sprachsensiblerfachunterricht.de/sprachbildung (see also his ‚downloads‘, including downloads for use in initial and in service teacher education.
Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK)
“Bildungssprachliche Kompetenzen in der deutschen Sprache stärken” https://www.kmk.org/fileadmin/Dateien/...ngssprachl-Kompetenzen.pdf - see e.g. definitions on pages 3 & 4 and basic principles on pages 4 & 5
“Documentation on the current measures based on the ten principles for successfully strengthening educational language skills in German that have been adopted in federal states” (expanding on the previous document) https://www.kmk.org/fileadmin/D...ssprachliche-Kompetenzen.pdf (especially chapter 10 and relevant links)
Stiftung Mercator and Ministerium für Schule und Berlin des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Oleschko, S. (ed) (2017) Sprachsensibles Unterrichten fördern : https://sprachsensibles-unterrichten.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Buch_Sprachsensibles-Unterrichten-foerdern.pdf
The Netherlands
van Dijk, G., Hajer, M., Kuiper, H., Eijkelhof, H. (2021) A language sensitive pedagogy for science and technology: reading, talking and writing about practical work. Hogeschool Utrecht.
van Eerde, D. et al. (2006) Kijkwijzer voor taalgericht vakonderwijs (Pointers to the language dimension of vocational education) Enschede: Stichting leerplanontwikkeling (SLO) https://docplayer.nl/404598-Kijkwijzer-voor-taalgericht-vakonderwijs.html - language sensitive lesson observation and reflection tools.
van Hoyweghen, D et al. (2014) Tal ontwikkelend lesgeven in het hoger onderwijs. hoe doe je dat? (Language-developmental teaching in higher education: how do you do that?) – Artevelde Hogeschool https://www.arteveldehogeschool.be/sites/default/files/leidraad_tol2_gvd.pdf
United Kingdom