Other resources
“Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht - Verknüpfung von inhaltlichen und sprachlichen Lernzielen in jedem Fachunterricht”:
Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und die Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK)
“Blended Learning Fortbildungen: Kurse, Bausteine, Einheiten”: www.biss-sprachbildung.de/angebote-fuer-die-praxis/blended-learning/kurse-bausteine-einheiten/
These blended learning courses are aimed at educational professionals including teachers working at the three stages of school education: pre-primary, primary and secondary. The courses cover basic overarching and stage-specific areas. There are also units on the practical use of assessment tools and on measures to foster language development.
Also: information about the research network and projects, www.biss-sprachbildung.de/forschung-und-entwicklung/forschungsnetzwerk/allgemeine-informationen/
Josef Leisen
“Sprachbildung und Bildungssprache”: www.sprachsensiblerfachunterricht.de/sprachbildung (see also his ‘downloads’, including downloads for use in initial and in service teacher education.
Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK)
“Bildungssprachliche Kompetenzen in der deutschen Sprache stärken”: www.kmk.org/fileadmin/Dateien/.../2019_12_05-Beschluss-Bildungssprachl-Kompetenzen.pdf ‐ see e.g. definitions on pages 3 & 4 and basic principles on pages 4 & 5
“Documentation on the current measures based on the ten principles for successfully strengthening educational language skills in German that have been adopted in federal states” (expanding on the previous document): www.kmk.org/fileadmin/Dateien/veroeffentlichungen_beschluesse/2019/2019_12_05-Bildungssprachliche-Kompetenzen.pdf (especially chapter 10 and relevant links)
Stiftung Mercator and Ministerium für Schule und Berlin des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Oleschko S. (ed) (2017), Sprachsensibles Unterrichten fördern, https://sprachsensibles-unterrichten.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Buch_Sprachsensibles-Unterrichten-foerdern.pdf
The Netherlands
van Dijk G., Hajer M., Kuiper H., Eijkelhof H. (2021), A language sensitive pedagogy for science and technology: reading, talking and writing about practical work.Hogeschool Utrecht, https://elbd.sites.uu.nl/wp-content/uploads/sites/108/2018/06/Van-Dijk-et-al-2015-A-pedagogy-for-writing-practical-reports-15-juli.pdf.
van Eerde D. et al. (2006), Kijkwijzer voor taalgericht vakonderwijs (Pointers to the language dimension of vocational education) Enschede: Stichting leerplanontwikkeling (SLO), https://docplayer.nl/404598-Kijkwijzer-voor-taalgericht-vakonderwijs.html – language sensitive lesson observation and reflection tools.
van Hoyweghen D et al. (2014), Tal ontwikkelend lesgeven in het hoger onderwijs. hoe doe je dat? (Language-developmental teaching in higher education: how do you do that?) – Artevelde Hogeschool, www.arteveldehogeschool.be/sites/default/files/leidraad_tol2_gvd.pdf.
United Kingdom
Rossner R and Bolitho R. (2022), Language-Sensitive Teaching and Learning - A Resource Book for Teachers and Teacher Educators, Palgrave Macmillan, London.