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Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education

A vignette

The purpose of the vignette is to stimulate pre-service or in-service teachers to discuss, formulate and use some lesson observation criteria for identifying and/or reflecting on aspects of language sensitivity in the classroom teaching that they observe.

The purpose of the scenario below is to stimulate pre-service or in-service teachers to discuss, formulate and use some criteria for identifying and/or reflecting on aspects of language sensitivity in the classroom teaching that they observe. 

A teacher educator working on a course for future subject teachers which is quite similar to the one that you are involved in has organised a discussion with her students about their first six observations of real teaching in two different subject areas. The students have mentioned several aspects of the teaching that interested and surprised them.

  • Some of the classes are very diverse and involve learners whose first languages are different from the language of schooling. 
  • Also, some of those learners whose first language is the language of schooling seem to have difficulties in understanding instructions and expressing themselves.
  • One or two of the teachers they have observed speak quite quickly most of the time. Others use complex language that some learners find hard to follow. Still others speak more slowly and repeat or rephrase questions, instructions etc.
  • Some do not seem to respond to the language and communication problems of these learners but focus instead on the learners who do not have language problems. Other teachers spend time working with individuals who are having difficulty, but sometimes other learners get bored waiting. 
  • Some of the concepts that teachers introduce and the materials they use are quite complex. It seems that learners in some classes who are unable immediately to understand these concepts and materials are expected to work things out for themselves between lessons, for example with the help of their parents or other learners.

The teacher educator decides to respond to the concerns of their in-service teachers by getting them to discuss and work out some criteria for language-sensitive teaching that could be used in their future observations, and in the planning of their teaching practice lessons.

TASK A Suggest some aspects of teaching that you would expect pre-service teachers to consider when developing their own criteria for language-sensitive teaching (e.g. clarity of instructions, speed of delivery, way of speaking to the class, dealing with learners’ special requirements, ways of introducing new concepts).

TASK B Could you run a similar discussion and reflection activity with your own pre-service teachers? If so:

  • How would you organise it?
  • How would you suggest pre-service teachers use the criteria they have developed (for example, as points to note during the observation, as questions to discuss in the reports on their observations, for planning their own teaching practice etc.)?