A Londoner in Greece! (Task 15)
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Theme(s): Travelling/ countries
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingNote taking
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 1 (Primarbereich)ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: B2
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischGriechisch
A visitor from Mexico (Task 14)
Learners learn how to describe places through the use of adjectives, and at the same time become familiar with different text types. They practise their skills in comprehending texts in Language A and producing meaning in Language B.
The lesson plan consists of five parts, each containing several steps. Communicating tourism information to people in another language is a common practise which can be taught in the classroom with steps 1-3 in the first part of the plan. The second part (step 4) involves intercultural aspects and uses a text format that learners are familiar with: a social media message. In the third part (step 5), learners can reflect on their multilingual practice. In the final two parts (steps 6 and 7), they are exposed to multimodal texts (song, video and text) and are asked to transfer information from one language to another on a relevant topic, i.e., learning foreign languages.
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Theme(s): Travelling/ countries
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writingNote taking
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 1 (Primarbereich)ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: B2
Language(s) involved in the task: All languagesEnglischSpanischhome language
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischSpanisch
Healthy diet! (Task 17)
This task focuses on written mediation. The main activities included aim at developing learners’ skills in selecting information from source texts and relaying it into a target text in another language.
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Theme(s): Food
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingNote taking
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 1 (Primarbereich)ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: B2
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischGriechischhome language
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischGriechisch
First-aid poster (Task 22)
This is a project-based task that focuses on first-aid instructions. Learners create informative posters and present them in front of a small group of other learners.
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Theme(s): First-aid instructions
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Linking to previous knowledgeBreaking down complicated informationAdapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)ISCED 3 (Sekundarbereich II (mit allgemein- und berufsbildenden Bereichen))
GeR-Niveau: B2
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischFinnischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischFinnischGriechisch
The internet and its dangers (Task 26)
This task focuses on written mediation. It aims at developing learners’ skills in selecting information from different source texts, one of which is written in Language A (English) and another in Language B (Greek), and relaying messages into Language B (foreign language).
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CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Amplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 1 (Primarbereich)ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: C1
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischGriechisch
World mythology (Task 31)
The aim of this task (which could be adapted to include Languages A-B-C) is to familiarise learners with different cultures and media texts. Firstly, the they discuss the features of myths. Then, working in pairs, they listen to a YouTube video about a myth in (Language B(/C), and do the activities (e.g., to collect new vocabulary). Next, they listen to another YouTube video or read a text about a myth with the same topic in Language A and take notes in Language B. Based on their notes, they are asked to create a short podcast in Language B. Finally, they write an article for the school newspaper where they compare the two myths and discuss in Language B (/C) how myths could be used as examples of different cultures.
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Theme(s): Travelling/ countriesCostumes/ cultureMythology
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writingNote taking
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Linking to previous knowledgeBreaking down complicated informationAdapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 3 (Sekundarbereich II (mit allgemein- und berufsbildenden Bereichen))
GeR-Niveau: C1
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischFinnischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischFinnischGriechisch
Eat and throw away - Lessons learnt from the pandemic (Task 36)
During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to statistics, most people had to change their lives drastically. Many gained weight. At the same time, the use of plastic increased, with an environmental impact. This task provides the same source text on which learners will work in different languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian and German), and leaves room for the teacher to decide what language(s) will be used as Language A (language of source texts) or Language B (or the learners' end product, which is a leaflet). An additional aim is to raise learners' awareness of health and environmental issues during the pandemic, and to find some solutions to the problems.
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Theme(s): COVID-19Eating habits
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Processing text in speech / in writingNote taking
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Amplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)ISCED 3 (Sekundarbereich II (mit allgemein- und berufsbildenden Bereichen))
GeR-Niveau: B1
Language(s) involved in the task: All languagesEnglischFranzösischDeutschItalienischSpanisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischFranzösischDeutschItalienischSpanisch
The Earth’s spheres (Task 41)
This task focuses on written mediation (filling in a table). The main activities aim at:
a) developing learners’ skills in selecting information from a source text (a scientific text), b) organising relevant information in specific groups, c) summarising messages in a target language, and d) developing the mediation strategies of paraphrasing, providing synonyms, and distinguishing major from minor information.
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CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: A2
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischGriechisch
Social media and teenage life (Task 42)
This task focuses on written mediation. The main activities aim at: a) developing learners’ skills in selecting information from a source text (a blog entry), b) summarising messages in a target language, and c) developing the mediation strategies of paraphrasing, providing synonyms, distinguishing major from minor information.
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Theme(s): Communication/social media
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingNote taking
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: B1B2
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischGriechisch
Volunteering (Task 44)
Through this task, learners will have the opportunity to practise their cross-linguistic mediation skills in a variety of ways. However, it is not only different languages that are involved, but also different genres across languages.
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Theme(s): After school plansVolunteering
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediating text:Relaying specific information in speech / in writingProcessing text in speech / in writing
CEFR-CV Common European Framework of Reference - Companion Volume
scale(s) for mediation strategies:
Adapting languageAmplifying a dense textStreamlining a text
Bildungsstufen: ISCED 1 (Primarbereich)ISCED 2 (Sekundarbereich I)
GeR-Niveau: B2
Language(s) involved in the task: EnglischGriechisch
Language(s) of the teacher's material: Englisch
Language(s) of the student's materials: EnglischGriechisch