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    Présentation d'approches en France

Approaches in France

Assessment of prior learning on entry to the education system via a placement test in the learner's language(s)

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The ministerial framework texts relating to the reception and education of newly arrived learners whose first language is not French and learners from Roma backgrounds established Academic Centres for the Education of Newly Arrived Learners and for Children from Itinerant and Traveller Families (CASNAV) in each education authority. Schooling is inclusive: learners are enrolled at the level corresponding to their age group and must be taught or supported according to their individual needs in French as the language of schooling, if possible in a UPE2A (Pedagogic Unit for Newly arrived Learners whose first language is not French).

Thus, according to the Bulletin Officiel N°37 of 11 October 2012, "The enrolment and schooling arrangements for learners of foreign nationality are set out in circular n° 2002-063 of 20 March 2002. Non-French-speaking learners are subject to common law and compulsory education. The Republic and its schools have a duty to ensure the best possible conditions for the integration of learners arriving in France whose first language is not French. Inclusion involves socialisation and learning French as a second language, which must be mastered as quickly as possible. Schools must also take account of competences acquired in other areas of education in the French school system or in other countries, in French or in other languages". 

Assessing home language competences

For transition to higher education (home languages recognised as second languages)

One little-known consequence of the reform of the general baccalaureat in 2021 is the taking home languages as part of the exam is no longer possible. These languages could be chosen as first, second or third languages at the time of enrolment in the final year of secondary school, regardless of whether or not a course was taken at the lycée. Under the previous arrangements:

"The choice of a language as a modern language 1, 2 or 3, aside from the specific provisions for regional languages, is left to the discretion of the candidate when registering for the examination; it may not correspond to the teaching followed by the learner during his or her schooling." (Extract from service note n°2012-162 of 18-10-2012)

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Placement test

A diagnostic test in the learners' languages to assess prior learning (writing, reading)

Regarding the reception and education of learners whose first language is not French, due to the absence of national guidance there is considerable variation in the way the circulars are implemented between one school or establishment and another, between one city and another and between one academy and another. To deal with the initial linguistic and academic placement provided for in the official texts, educational staff were initially able to rely on the Passerelles in 15 languages (2003) and later in 14 languages (2010). This was a publication produced by the CRDP (Canopé), which has now been replaced by an online tool.

On arrival, depending on their age and intended level of schooling (primary, collège, lycée), each learner should be given a diagnostic assessment of their competences. This will provide an insight into their educational background and individual linguistic and academic needs and also enable them to plan for the future. The placement tests carried out by teachers or educational psychologists at the Centre d’information et d’orientation (CIO) CIO : academic unit of the national education system for information on school careers and guidance at the time of entry focus on competences in French (comprehension and production, oral and written), reading and reading comprehension in a previous language of schooling and/or home language, and mathematics.

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Additional resources

Circular n° 2012-141 of 2 October 2012 on the organisation of schooling for newly arrived learners whose first language is not French.

Circular n° 2012-142 of 2 October 2012 on the education and schooling of children from itinerant and traveller families.

The Éduscol file, "Ressources pour l’accueil et la scolarisation des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés", updated on 7/06/2016.

Éduscol file on "Inclusion at school of newly arrived learners whose first language is not French and children from itinerant and traveller families", updated on 7 June 2016.

"Passerelle en 15 langues", Link to Canopé:https://www.reseau-canope.fr/eana-outils-devaluation-en-langue-dorigine/evaluation-en-langue-dorigine.html

How / when do you use the "Languages and Grammars in the French speaking world" Language files | Languages and grammars in (Ile-de-)France (cnrs.fr)

This section was produced with the help of M. Adam-Maillet, Honorary Inspectrice d'académie-inspectrice pédagogique régionale de lettres.