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    S’inspirer des matériaux et pratiques présentés

Drawing inspiration from the examples of methods and materials

The inspiration provided by these methods and materials as regards new perspectives and greater openness

The methods of assessment and materials exemplified aim to take account of everyday uses of the home language and, at the same time, to engage learners who are not necessarily taught their home language. Such new assessment procedures for home language competences may include the following aspects:

  • in addition to the knowledge generally focused on in the assessment of language competences, the procedures may assess interpersonal competences and know-how, for example, by combining different reference frameworks or in the form of a language passport;
  • they may include cross-curricular assessment methods based on projects or group work which are action-oriented in nature, for example, through the creation of portfolios of learners’ competences;
  • they take account of personal experience that provides evidence of the heterogeneous and evolving nature of language competences, for example through the creation of learners’ language biographies.

Towards a typology of resources

The typology has two axes:

  • a vertical axis indicating the type of assessment material in terms of the languages involved, ranging from a single language to several languages 
  • a horizontal axis indicating the target components of assessment (oral or written) and the level of standardisation (in relation to the objectives and the context).

The examples of resources given in the diagram are not all illustrated in the systems and materials exemplified.

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How do you design material to suit a particular situation and audience? 

Based on the typology of resources above and the preceding examples, here is an overview of the main aspects which make it possible to describe and situate home language assessment materials. The corpus drawn on for this work is limited. For this reason, this overview focuses on a few of the trends that have been identified in the course of the RECOLANG project. The aim of the overview is to show a few examples that may inspire and possibly initiate a process of reflection on the part of stakeholders (schools, parents, decision-makers) who wish to account of learners' home languages at school.

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