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Statements from learners

Here are a few statements from learners. You can find out more about the contexts from which these statements come in the "How to assess" section.

"I took an exam in my mother tongue because I had difficulties in English. I hadn't studied English in my home country. The exam in my mother tongue was easier for me and it helped me to progress at school."

A., aged 16
(assessing native language competences, Hamburg)

"I was able to get my first diploma and start training soon afterwards."

C., aged 16
(assessing native language competences, Hamburg)

"Assessing my language competences has given me some answers about my language level and where I need to improve. Yes, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find the right words. The examiner gave me confidence. I'm glad to have represented my language and its culture by taking part My family were a bit surprised to find out that I spoke Creole, but they were quite encouraging and proud."

B., aged 15
(Atout Langues scheme, France)

[Assessing my language competences] "has opened up more doors for me in the future, I'm not happy about it or anything, I just took part for the future. It doesn't matter to my family as long as I do well."

A., aged 15
(Atout Langues scheme, France)

[A strong point] "is that we practise our language, the fact that we take a test in our language in a country other than our own [is important], my parents told me 'you could have done more', my parents always want more."

S., aged 14
(Atout Langues scheme, France); first schooling in Albania, arrived in France at the age of 12 with her family.

"I can prove to my family that I can't just speak my family's language. I can also write it."

B., assessed on her Chinese language competences (Ireland)

"I had only studied one foreign language in my home country. In Germany, I needed two. The exam in my home language was recognised, which enabled me to go to secondary school and pass my Abitur."

B., aged 15
(assessing native language competences, Hamburg)

"It's a good feeling to know that my language is important enough to make a test for it."

C., assessed in terms of his Polish language competences
(system in Ireland)

"For me, it meant being able to prove to myself that I knew my own mother tongue and that I could use it to achieve my objectives for the baccalaureat language exam. And also to show the assessment system that there are people like me who are ready to take the exam, even if I don't live in my own country. I've gained a lot of knowledge about my language in terms of grammar and formal expression. I'm also proud that I was able to take a full exam in my own language while in a foreign country."

D., assessed in Latvian
(system in Ireland)