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    Programme 2024-2027

Programme 2024-2027
Language education at the heart of democracy

The Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation (2022)1 on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture provides the overarching framework for the ECML’s 7th medium-term programme, “Language education at the heart of democracy”. This first ever holistic Recommendation, embracing all languages, all sectors and wider society, reinforces the role of quality language education in equipping learners to become autonomous social agents, actively engaged in strengthening our democracies. 

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With its unique position at the interface between policy, research, teacher education and classroom practice, the new ECML programme will focus primarily on activities to support and further develop the wellbeing, resilience and competences of all those working in the field, so that they in turn can empower their learners.  In this way, it aims to transform language education into a vibrant force at the core of democratic ideals.

Thematic priorities

Language education at the heart of democracy – why this matters in my context

Claire Extramiana (France)
Chair of the Governing Board of the ECML
Video in French with subtitles
Pille Põiklik (Estonia)
Vice-chair of the Governing Board of the ECML
Video in Estonian with subtitles
Nataša Perić (Montenegro)
Bureau member of the Governing Board of the ECML
Video in Montenegrin with subtitles

The new programme is organised in two strands:

The development strand includes:

projects leading to
new resources

in response to priorities
in member states
Project flyer   

projects supporting
the implementation

of existing 
ECML resources

The mediation strand includes:

in-country capacity-building
via ECML Training and consultancy and national support events

the ECML
Summer academy
(in cooperation with the European Commission)

activities for a wider public
such as webinars, conferences and the European Day of Languages.

Projects developing new resources

AI for language education

Coordinator: Achilleas KOSTOULAS
Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2024-2027
Project website: English, French

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Pluriliteracies for global citizenship

Deeper learning in the foreign language classroom

Coordinator: Oliver MEYER
Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2024-2027
Project website: EnglishFrench

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Developing competences for democratic culture for young learners through language education

Coordinator: Martina KRAMAR
Working languages of the project: English, German
Project term: 2025-2027
Project website: EnglishFrench, German

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Unlocking educational opportunities in sign languages in Europe

Coordinator: Christian RATHMANN
Working languages of the project: English/International Sign
Project term: 2024-2027
Project website: EnglishFrench

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CLIL teaching materials for developing 21st century competences

Coordinator: Lies SERCU
Working languages of the project: English, German
Project term: 2024-2026
Project website: EnglishGermanFrench

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Fostering the plurilingual wellbeing of language teachers

Coordinator: Caterina SUGRANYES
Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2024-2026
Project website: EnglishFrench

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Project supporting the use of ECML resources

A toolkit for implementing integrated didactics in language education

Coordinator: Christian KOCH
Working languages of the project: English, French
Project term: 2024-2027
Project website: EnglishFrench

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Using ECML resources to support plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture

Coordinator: Kenia PUIG
Working languages of the project: English, German
Project term: 2024-2026
Project website: English, German, French

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Think tanks

  • Fostering motivation in learning and teaching languages
    (in cooperation with the European Commission)
  • Valorising and assessing home languages
  • Mediation in primary language learning

Training and consultancy for ECML member states 

This strand of ECML activities responds in a targeted and bilateral way to specific national priorities in ECML member states. The ECML expert teams offer international expertise and provide professional input which, combined with the expertise in the member state, will initiate quality developments and assist in change processes in language education at a number of levels (local, regional, national). Training and consultancy offers in 2024: 


Steinar Nybøle, speaking at the ECML Conference December 2023 about the new ECML Programme 2024-2027
Panel discussion at the ECML Conference December 2023 on the future of language education within and beyond the ECML’s programme: addressing new challenges 

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