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    Gazette 64

European Language Gazette no. 64 (June 2023)

Special edition: Call for project proposals



It is now just over six weeks since the European Centre for Modern Languages launched the Call for project proposals for its 2024-27 programme entitled “Language education at the heart of democracy”.

Since the initial launch of the Call a number of promotional events have taken place, providing detailed information about the new programme and its priorities as well as advice on how to prepare a project proposal.

In this special of edition of the European Language Gazette dedicated to the Call, you will find an overview of everything you need do know about the Call! This includes the links to the recordings of two recently hosted webinars – which have generated over 1 500 views, as well as suggestions for identifying possible team members for project proposals.

A number of activities have, in parallel, been taking place on a national level, with Sweden, Iceland, Austria and Spain all in the process of or having organised events specifically to promote the Call.

We hope that the information contained in this newsletter will whet your appetite and encourage you to become involved in the next programme of the ECML and to make your contribution towards enriching language education at European level.

We are very much looking forward to receiving project proposals which address the many and varied challenges we are facing in the area of language education in the coming years.

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ECML Call for proposals for its 2024-27 programme “Language education at the heart of democracy” open until 31 August 2023

Are you interested in addressing key challenges in language education working within a unique European platform? The European Centre for Modern Languages is launching the Call for project proposals for its next programme, “Language education at the heart of democracy”, starting in January 2024, and based on identified priorities in language education of the Centre’s member states.

The ECML would particularly like to encourage newcomers and the next generation of language professionals to benefit from this unique European platform to discuss, communicate and publish innovative ideas and make a genuine contribution towards enriching language education in Europe.

Dedicated website: Englishfrançais

Call brochure: EnglishFrench

Call flyer: EnglishFrenchGerman (developed by Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum)

5 reasons to apply: EnglishFrench

Contact for any question: call@ecml.at


Launch event for the ECML Call for proposals: webinar recorded on 15 May 2023

This one-hour webinar:

  • introduced the focus of the Call for proposals and the rationale behind the new programme;
  • highlighted the most pressing challenges in language education elicited from a recent survey covering policy makers and language education professionals in the 35 member states of the ECML;
  • provided information on how to become involved in the Centre’s next programme and explains the different possibilities for engagement;
  • outlined both the benefits and challenges of coordinating/being involved in an ECML project.

The event was aimed at language professionals with an interest in the international context of language education, ECML national contacts and networks cooperating with the Centre, as well as newcomers interested in engaging in its work.

Webinar recording: EnglishFrench

PowerPoint presentation: English/French


Themes for project proposals

Proposals must correspond to one of the themes which are based on the findings of the ECML survey on current priorities in language education in the Centre's member states.

The findings of the survey revealed that certain themes are a priority at multiple levels or “orientations”. These themes have been labelled “top priorities in member states”. Applicants submitting project proposals in this category can choose their preferred orientation:

  • policy implementation,
  • (language) teacher education (both pre- and in-service) or
  • the practice of language teaching and learning (in classrooms or in other formal and/or non-formal settings).

The remaining themes also refer to important priorities in language education identified in the survey. They have been organised according to the specific level or “orientation” most frequently mentioned in the survey.
All submissions will be considered on an equal basis irrespective of the chosen category/priority.

Proposals can address one or more of these priorities.
Many of the themes listed are broad in nature and therefore do not correspond to project titles which should relate clearly to the chosen aspect but be more specific.

Web section dedicated to the themes for project proposals


New to the ECML?

Don't let that be a barrier – check out key information about the ECML here.


Essential information

Detailed information about

  • ECML project outputs (process, language policy)
  • project teams
  • activities organised and funded by the ECML
  • support from the ECML
  • submission deadline and selection procedure
  • FAQ
can be found in the dedicated web section.

A project proposal can ONLY be submitted by a prospective project coordinator. This person MUST live and work in an ECML member state. As Spain is in the process of re-joining the ECML, experts living and working in Spain are also eligible to apply.

ALL applications must reach the ECML by 23:00 (CET) on Thursday 31 August 2023. Applications received after this date and incomplete applications will NOT be considered.

The project proposal will be assessed according to selection criteria.

The ECML will inform coordinators whose project proposals have been chosen in October 2023.
On 16 November 2023 an online exchange and brief presentation of the new coordinators and projects will take place. Following this meeting unsuccessful candidates will be informed.
On 25-26 January 2024, the new project coordinators will be invited to their first meeting at the ECML (Graz, Austria).

The key steps for submitting your project proposal are outlined here.

Finding team members

Projects are carried out by a team of four experts, each working and living in a different ECML member state. In exceptional cases, applications from non-member states as team members can be accepted (with a maximum of one project team member from a non-member state).

  • One of the experts will be the coordinator with overall responsibility for team and project management.
  • The website correspondent is primarily responsible for updating the content of the project website. No previous technical expertise is needed.
  • The 2nd language documentalist ensures that key documents relating to the project are made available in the second language, including key project terminology.
  • The communications officer ensures that information on project developments and expected outcomes are regularly communicated to relevant target audiences by using different communication channels.

The tasks can be shared by the four team members. Further details on the roles can be found in the online FaQ section.

If you are looking for experts for your project team, you could consult the following resources, which may help you identify potential members:

For any further assistance, please consult the ECML: call@ecml.at.


How to apply

Proposal form

To submit your project proposal please:

  1. download the PDF form: EnglishFrench;
  2. save the form locally;
  3. send the completed form to call@ecml.at by 31 August 2023.

(Re)Watch the webinar for potential proposal writers recorded on 12 June 2023

The webinar addressed such topics as:

  • how ECML projects are organised;
  • what kind of project outputs are envisaged;
  • what makes a successful project proposal;
  • where to find relevant Council of Europe resources and how to build on these;
  • how to find team members.

Webinar recording: EnglishFrench

PowerPoint presentations: English/French


Promote the Call

You are welcome to use the following resources to promote the ECML Call for proposals among your colleagues and target groups:

  • key documents: Call brochure and flyer;
  • graphic resources: ECML logo, Call banner, Wordle "Priorities";
  • interview (in French) by France Education International with the Executive Director of the ECML on the Call for proposals: the concept of language education, the target audience of the Call, the main themes of the next programme and how the future programme takes account of the latest Council of Europe Recommendation on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture;
  • 5 reasons to apply;
  • Ingeborg Birnie, project coordinator in the 2020-2023 ECML programme, explains why you should apply for an ECML project (video);
  • voices from ECML project coordinators and team members of the ECML programme 2016-2019: “Why I recommend working on a project with the ECML”;
  • online calendar of events to promote the Call.

Quick links

Council of Europe
Council of Europe news
Council of Europe Education Department
European Day of Languages
European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML)
Council of Europe Language Policy portal
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

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European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe
Promoting excellence in language education
Centre européen pour les langues vivantes du Conseil de l´Europe
Pour l’excellence dans l’éducation aux langues

Nikolaiplatz 4
AT-8020 Graz
Austria / Autriche
T +43 316 323554
F +43 316 323554-4
E-mail: information@ecml.at

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