As ever, we welcome event organisers entering details of their activities into the EDL calendar.
We are also delighted to receive new ideas, promotional initiatives and volunteers who can help us to ensure that the content of EDL site can made available and updated in as wide a range of Europe’s languages as possible. Below are details of just a handful of this year’s events.
Graz language festival
Festival open to all, Graz, Austria, 22 September 2023
Language workshops, language city walks, competitions, treasure hunts, and many other activities will provide a fun and enjoyable opportunity to get to know the linguistic and cultural diversity. The musical and artistic programme will include songs, dances, plays and literature from all over the world.
European Commission online conference
"Teaching language skills at the heart of the European Education Area"
Online event, 26 September 2023,12:00-14:00 CEST
A panel discussion with experts on multilingualism, teachers and representatives of the Spanish presidency of the Council and the European Commission in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
European Day of Languages festival 2023, Trnava
Language festival, 26 September 2023, Trnava, Slovak Republic
The Faculty of Education of the University of Trnava in cooperation with the City of Trnava will organise this festival. The event will take place on Trnava's main square and will involve around 1 500 second-level primary school pupils along with the general public.
EDL Language Fair in the region of Porto
28 September 2023, Paredes, Portugal
EDL celebrations will travel to the North of Portugal, near Porto, in the town of Paredes. From 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the language fair will feature information stands from various entities and a stage where different performances will take place.
Freunde zu Gast in Deutschland
26 September 2023, Sundern, Germany
20 Schulklassen aus ganz Europa treffen sich online in einer Videokonferenz zum Austausch von Sprache und Kultur – Realschule Sundern.
Festival des langues
7 October 2023, Orléans, France
Programme d’animations, y compris, présentation des langues en 40 minutes, conférence sur "le multilinguisme dans le monde et à Orléans” et un concert multilingue offert par la Chorale des Régions.
Journée européenne des langues – Varna
26 September 2023, Varna, Bulgarie
Cette année, qui est la 9e édition à Varna, des stands mettront en avant les langues suivantes : le français, l'anglais, l'espagnol, le polonais, l'italien et l'allemand ; présentations par les équipes des différentes écoles de Varna à travers une variété d'activités interactives et des défis linguistiques.
European Language Cafe
26 September 2023, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Institut français Yogyakarta organises a "European Language Cafe" with native speakers of German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and French! This event is open to all the European language learners.
Vi feirer Språk
Language classes, 26 September 2023, Bergen, Norway
Vi viser frem språkene vi har i klassen pluss fremmedspråkene vi lærer. På tvers av grupper og klasser blir det presentasjoner, plakater, konkurranser og quiz.
How many languages do we speak in our school?
Language Day, 26 September 2023, Senigallia, Italy
Students speak in their native languages, or in languages they have studied – with the number of languages spoken in the school being documented.