Based on Candelier et al’s (2012) definition for pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures, the project proposes the following definition for Content and Languages Integrated Learning (CLsIL)
The concept of Content and Languages Integrated Learning (CLsIL) has been introduced by Candelier et al. in the “Discovery Module” of the Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA/CARAP): The term ‘Content and Languages Integrated Learning (CLsIL)’ refers to didactic approaches that use teaching/learning activities involving several (i.e. more than one) languages/varieties of languages in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), instead of dealing with the target language in isolation. In addition, some outputs also take the transition from formal to non-formal contexts into account
See for other studies on CLIL in a plurilingual perspective:
Daryai-Hansen et al. (2016), Gearon & Cross (2020).
Daryai-Hansen, P., Barfod, S., & Schwarz, L. (2016). ”A Call for (Trans)languaging: The Language Profiles at Roskilde University”. In: Mazak, C. M. & Carrol, K. S. (eds.), Translanguaging Practices in Higher Education: Beyond Monolingual Ideologies. . Bilingual Education and Bilingualism series. Multilingual Matters, 29-49. Gearon & Cross (2020). “Plurilingualism in the Content and Language Integrated Classroom. Students’ Languages as Resources in the CLIL Context. In: Kim Bower et al. (eds) 2020 Curriculum Integrated Language Teaching. CLIL in Practice, Cambridge University Press.