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    Competence dimensions in the Profiles

Building blocks for planning language-sensitive teacher education

Getting to know the competence dimensions in the Profiles

The aim of the tasks below is to enable users to get to know the seven dimensions of the Profiles in more detail, and to reflect on the teacher competences they are interested in.


Have a look at Figure 1 illustrating the seven competence dimensions and read the introductory text in section 1. 

Do the titles of the dimensions seem appropriate to you? You may wish to compare the way teacher competences are organised in the Profiles with other teacher competence instruments, e.g. an international teacher competence framework, national or regional standards etc. You can find an overview and brief descriptions of such instruments on this website

To find out more about the different dimensions, you can consult the descriptors in the short version of the Profiles, or the complete version of the Profiles.


Choose one dimension for a discussion of the competences for language-sensitive education relevant to a specific group of (student) teachers and reflect on or discuss with colleagues the following questions: 

  1. Considering the dimension and descriptors you have looked at, how well developed are the competences of (student) teachers in your specific context? What are some typical strengths or weaknesses that can be considered, or are often mentioned, or have been documented? 
  2. What opportunities are there for (student) teachers in your context to develop these competences further? Is the provision adequate? How could it be improved?

For more material on how to integrate aspects of language-sensitive education into teacher education curricula, modules and teaching practice, please refer to Building blocks 3, 4 and 5.


For student teachers in initial teacher education, many opportunities to develop the competences in the various dimensions can be planned and offered by referring to the Profiles:

The teaching competences in dimension 5 can be discussed and fostered in methodology modules and teaching practice experiences focusing on specific subjects or across subjects.
The meta competences in dimension 4 can be introduced in a module that addresses language, languages, plurilingualism and the language dimension of learning.
The competences for collaboration in dimension 6 can be developed by offering opportunities for student teachers to collaborate with fellow students, ideally across a range of specialisations and target levels.
The language and communicative competences described in dimension 2 can be fostered in specific modules devoted to profession-related language competences, as well as across the curriculum.
For the development of digital competences for language-sensitive education, it may be useful to integrate the notion of language-sensitivity into the teaching and learning of digital competences.
The principles and values outlined in dimension 1 and the professional competences described in dimension 7 can serve as a backbone or blueprint for discussing and planning teacher education, for instance in the context of a curricular reform.