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    Overall picture

What is the overall picture as regards responsibility for assessment?

How do the three levels 'macro’ (state, region), 'meso’ (school) and 'micro’ (classroom) interact? The following overview highlights the central role of language policy and shows the responsibilities of the various parties involved in assessing home languages. It is worth emphasising the key role of teacher education and of those involved in assessment.

Macro level
(state, region)

Meso level

Micro level

National/regional language policies
➔ place of intercultural and plurilingual education

School language policies and teaching practices
open to linguistic and cultural diversity

Who is involved?

  • ministry / regional authority;
  • city;
  • eachers (languages of schooling, home languages);
  • interpreters/ translators;
  • researchers

  • head teachers;
  • teachers (languages of schooling, languages, other subjects);
  • interpreters/translators;
  • (City, associations);
  • researchers
Assessment of home language competences Assessment for diagnostic or certification purposes
➔ institutional recognition of competences
➔ on entering an education system or when moving on to a higher level of education
➔ implementation of approaches to plurilingual and intercultural educational 
Diagnostic or formative assessment, assessment for certification
➔ institutional recognition of competences
➔ implementation of approaches to plurilingual and intercultural educational
➔ coordination and collaboration / team dynamics
➔ dynamics of approaches that are open to diversity and otherness (on living together, group cohesion, acceptance of oneself/the other)
Diagnostic or formative assessment
➔ implementation of approaches to plurilingual and intercultural educational
➔ building on home language competences to move towards other language learning (language of schooling)
➔ dynamics of aproaches which are open to diversity and otherness (effects of this on living together, group cohesion, acceptance of oneself/ others)
Training of teachers and others involved in assessment National/regional organisation; training action plans

Training at local level through  action research or as part of local partnerships and initiatives (city, associations, other partnerships)

Partnerships State/regional partnership with cities 
➔ teaching of home language(s) 
➔ methods of assessment carried out with interpreters/translators 
large-scale collaborative research 

Assessment/support of schemes through action research projects 

Local partnership with associations, mediators/translators/ interpreters for test administration and feedback sessions 

Who is
Ministry or its delegation/region:responsibility shared with other stakeholders (including associations or the city)  Headteacher/ teaching team: responsibility shared with others (including associations or the city)  Teachers: responsibility shared with others (including associations or the city) 
Consistency in relation to the number of learners concerned and adaptation to objectives 

The largest number possible of learners and languages involved

  • Inclusive schools and society;
  • national / regional collective  model of education;
  • national/regional dynamics in the evolution of measures for promoting equity in education;
  • home language(s) as a right.

Learners at the school (or schools concerned) 

  • The school as an inclusive social entity;
  • collective model of education;
  • local dynamics in the evolution of ways of promoting equity in education. 

Learners in the class (or classes) concerned

  • the class as an inclusive social group;
  • collective model of education;
  • local dynamics in the evolution of ways of promoting equity in education