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    Training & Consultancy

ECML training and consultancy for member states

This strand of ECML activities responds in a targeted and bilateral way to specific national priorities in ECML member states.

Special features
Practical information

Added value of ECML training and consultancy

The ECML offers its member states European expertise in language education adapted to the concrete needs and specific contexts within individual countries. This bilateral support in a range of key areas helps strengthen the cooperation between member states and the ECML by taking the expertise gained from ECML projects directly into member states.

ECML experts work with national authorities and local experts to devise and implement in-country activities, tailored to the particular context and target audience. 

This mediation strand of ECML activity helps member states:

  • respond to the challenges presented by migration and mobility;
  • foster the professional development of language educators;
  • advance national reform processes;  
  • facilitate exchange of good practice through professional networks;
  • meet international standards. 

The Training and consultancy format of activities meets national needs perfectly, allowing us to deal with specific topics that may have direct impact at national level.

Eva-Maria Schädler, Schulamt des Fürstentums Liechtenstein

Meeting the demand

ECML Training and consultancy focus on the specific needs of a country taking up a particular offer. Thus, the expert team can design materials and provide training, awareness-raising and/or consultancy in a more contextualised way. The needs, as expressed by the partners in ECML member states requesting a particular Training and consultancy activity, are the starting point for this Training and Consultancy process.

Special features

Addressing educational priorities 

The Training and consultancy offered for member states cover topics high on the agenda of educational ministries, such as the use of on-line technology, testing of language competences and migrants’ education. They contribute to implementing the ECML’s long-term vision as expressed in the rationale of the 2016-2019 programme:

Quality language education is a pre-requisite for quality education overall. 

ECML expertise

The ECML expert teams offer international expertise and provide professional input which, combined with the expertise in the member state, will initiate quality developments and assist in change processes in language education at a number of levels (local, regional, national). 

Activities in this area are complementary to the ‘bottom-up’ approach of the ECML projects. The activities under the training and consultancy scheme offer expert support upon demand from high level ECML representatives for quality change processes in order to put plurilingual, intercultural and inclusive approaches into practice (top-down approach). 

Council of Europe values

Both ECML projects and ECML Training and consultancy activities promote Council of Europe language policies and ECML expertise in adapting European recommendations and instruments to local, regional and national contexts.

Practical information

  • ECML Training and consultancy activities can be requested by ECML Governing Board members only;
  • Local organiser: For each activity a local organiser will be designated by the requesting Governing Board member. The local organiser will:
  • → participate in a preparatory network meeting in Graz (travel and subsistence costs covered by the ECML);
    → liaise with the ECML experts and the ECML secretariat;
    → invite participants and organise the venue;
    → provide documentation of the event;

  • One preparatory network meeting is foreseen for each year where the ECML expert team and the local organisers of all countries involved will meet. The aim of this meeting is to discuss the expected contribution of the ECML experts, to agree on the content and to prepare a draft agenda of the activity.
  • Availability: The ECML will do its best to accommodate all requests received on time, depending on the level of demand and the availability of the experts.

Costs covered by the ECML

  • Preparatory network meeting in Graz: The ECML covers travel and subsistence costs of the local organiser and up to four expert team members for a one or two-day meeting.
  • Training workshop in the ECML member state: The ECML covers fees as well as travel and subsistence costs of two ECML experts for 2 training days plus a preceding day of preparation on site.
  • All other costs related to the training are covered by the host country.

Forthcoming events


Sep 2024

Enhancing language learning and teaching through Action Research Communities for language teachers
ECML training and consultancy for member States
Training workshop
View details


Sep 2024

CLIL and beyond
National support event
View details


Sep 2024

Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG)
ECML – EC cooperation agreement 2024
National training workshop
Tallinn, Estonia
View details


Sep 2024

Using ICT in support of language teaching and learning (ICT-REV)
ECML – EU cooperation agreement 2024
National training workshop
Corfu, Greece
View details


Oct 2024

Relating language curricula, tests and examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference (RELANG)
ECML – EC cooperation agreement 2024
National training workshop
Nicosia, Cyprus
View details

Request ECML training and consultancy activity for 2024

Requests for a training and consultancy activity must be submitted via the national ECML representative in the Governing Board. Educational professionals interested in a particular activity should therefore contact their national representative. 

Find your national representative
Request form



Latest articles

Empowering integration through language education

“CLIL and beyond, a pluriliteracies approach – Teaching for deeper learning”

“Language of schooling: Developing language awareness in subject classes” workshop in Lesbos, Greece

France: uniting the educational community by legitimising all the languages present

The role of ECML projects for language educators

Supporting Multilingual Classrooms: ECML national training workshop (6 – 7 June 2024, Belgrade, Serbia)

* This training offer is not available in 2024.

** In cooperation with the European Commission - these offers are subject to a separate Call for requests.

National support for ECML member states

Complementary to the ECML training and consultancy offers, member states can also benefit from support for events such as conferences, webinars, in-service trainings, etc., organised at national level. 

Upon request by the ECML Governing Board member, the ECML will consider the contribution of one ECML expert to such an event. This would also be an opportunity to promote the work of the Centre.

The requested contribution should be related to a concrete project or to resource websites of the current or previous programme.


Programme 2020-2023

Inspiring innovation in language education: changing contexts, evolving competences

view details

Programme 2016-2019

Languages at the heart of learning

view details