The RECOLANG (Resources for assessing the home language competences of migrant learners) website aims to rethink language assessment, particularly the assessment of those languages for which there are few (or no) assessment resources, and which are not seen as part of national education systems.
Except in the case of languages of schooling or the languages which form part of the curriculum, the assessment of competences in the languages used by learners on a daily basis is not self-evident. Depending on their situation in relation to the education system (learners arriving and entering a new education system, bi- and plurilingual learners who have been in a given education system for less or more than three years, etc.), and depending on the purpose of the assessment (diagnostic, formative, for certification), learners’ strengths and difficulties are not taken into account in the same way.
From the moment they enter the education system and throughout their school career, assessing the home language competences of migrant learners requires appropriate support and methods.
These assessment methods focus on learners' language repertoires, which should evolve and which learners can continue to build on. The aim is that learners, the teaching team and the school should be fully aware of the language resources that are available to help each learner to learn, grow and feel at ease in their academic and/or future professional careers.
The decision to assess and take account of home language competences forms part of a collective effort to make education more equitable at school level, in the immediate environment or in the wider region/state.
The "
Why assess?"
section Includes statements from learners.
The "
What assessment principles?" section explores the principles and criteria underpinning a culture of assessment that needs to be developed collaboratively.
The "
Whose competences to assess, and how?" section identifies the target groups and provides benchmarks to help us better understand learners’ needs and assess the competences required in relation to specific situations and objectives.
The "
When and how to assess" section contains assessment methods and materials gathered from different contexts and regions in Europe.
Finally, the "
How to get involved?" section suggests ways in which you can get involved, whatever your role (learner, family member, teacher/education staff, decision-maker in education).