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EMILE dans des langues autres que l'anglais – 
Transitions réussies entre les différentes étapes de l'éducation

Exemples de plans de cours 

Les exemples de plans de cours s'appuient sur trois projets antérieurs du CELV :

Compétences linguistiques pour des apprentissages disciplinaires réussis –
Descripteurs liés au CECR pour les mathématiques et l’histoire/l’éducation civique

Compétences linguistiques pour des apprentissages disciplinaires réussis

The ECML project “Language skills for successful subject learning. CEFR linked descriptors for mathematics and history/civics” has, connected to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), developed descriptors for mathematics and history/civics from A2 to B2. Based on this project, we have developed language descriptors that facilitate CLIL LOTE transitions for mathematics and history/civics from Pre-A1 to B2, a CLIL Self-Assessment Grid for level Pre-A1 to B2 in CLIL contexts and sample lesson plans .

Ces ressources soulignent les défis auxquels les jeunes apprenants sont confrontés dans les matières scolaires où la langue d’instruction n’est pas leur première langue. L’accent est mis sur les normes linguistiques minimales qui sont requises en histoire/éducation civique et en mathématiques chez les apprenants âgés de 12-13 et 15-16 ans. Les descripteurs de langues, disponibles en six langues, sont liés aux niveaux A2, B1 et B2 du CECR.

Voir le site web

Developed resources

The following resources were developed inspired by the Language descriptors project:

L'histoire / L'éducation civique :

Mathématiques :

  • École maternelle, Pré A1 (élèves de 5 ans), langue: grec 
    Formes, Worksheet
  • École maternelle, Pré A1 (élèves de 5 ans), langue: grec : 
    Soustraction, Worksheets (1, 2)

Une approche d'énseignement interdisciplinaire et plurilingue pour l'apprentissage

The ECML project “A pluriliteracies approach to teaching for learning” has developed learning materials for Chemistry, Geography and History that establish links between content and language. The project takes progression into account: For all subjects, there are materials for novice, intermediate and advanced learners. All materials are in English. The History modules focus on English as a target language, but have been translated into German: Pluriliteralität im Geschichtsunterricht entwickeln. The learning material Analysing Otto Wels' Speech – Source and Tasks uses a German historical source, Otto Wels’ Speech.

Pluriliteracies Teaching for Learning (PTL) shows teachers and materials developers ways of fostering deep learning by paying attention to the development of students’ subject specific literacies as well as their conceptual understanding and automatization of subject-specific procedures, skills and strategies. […] PTL not only makes the links between content and language learning visible, but it also shows how teachers can create learning trajectories taking students’ current abilities as a starting point, and tracing their progress along the learning pathway. 

Voir le site web (disponible en anglais et allemand)

Developed resources

The following resources were developed inspired by the project:

Chimie :

Etudes européennes / Histoire / Education civique / Politique et société :

Enseignement d'une matière par l'intégration d'une langue étrangère et conscience plurilingue et pluriculturelle (Conbat+)

The ECML project “Content based teaching + plurilingual/cultural awareness (Conbat+)” has developed 26 didactic units for CLIL, integrating diverse subjects and taking plurilingual education into account. The materials are written in English, French and Spanish and cover an age range from 6 to 18 years. 

L’acronyme ConBaT+ signifie que l’approche EMILE se doit d’intégrer des activités encourageant le plurilinguisme et le pluriculturalisme. […] L’objectif du projet ConBaT+ est de produire des matériaux dans trois langues (anglais, français et espagnol) pour l’enseignement d’autres matières aux niveaux primaire et secondaire. […] La prise de conscience plurilingue et pluriculturelle représente le but principal de ce projet: comment atteindre ce but?

Voir le site web

Developed resources

Deux unités didactiques Conbat+ ont été adaptées à un groupe d'âge différent : Calligraphie Japonaise et Notre maison - notre monde.

Calligraphie Japonaise

This didactic unit, focusing on art/physical education and designed for mid/late Primary education (age 8-12), was adequated for early primary school children (age 6-8).

Notre maison - notre monde

Le projet du CELV Enseignement fondé sur le contenu + sensibilisation plurilingue/culturelle (Conbat+) a développé 26 unités didactiques pour l'EMILE, intégrant diverses matières et prenant en compte l'éducation plurilingue. Les supports sont rédigés en anglais, en français et en espagnol et couvrent une tranche d'âge allant de 6 à 18 ans. 

Related resources

Furthermore, the resources integrate a teaching/learning scenario that was developed based on the European project Euromania (2005-2008), coordinated by Pierre Escudé, Université de Bordeaux.

The Euromania project offers a school textbook for subject-based learning in Mathematics, Science, Technology and History for upper primary education (age: 9 to 12) and focuses on building bridges between the language of schooling and languages of the same language family, here Romance languages. The scenario proposes a vertical progression from upper primary (ISCED1) to lower secondary education (ISCED2). Furthermore, the scenario promotes horisontal transitions based on intercomprehensionIntercomprehension
In the approach termed Intercomprehension between related languages the learner works on two or more languages of the same linguistic family (Romance, Germanic, Slavic languages, etc.) in parallel. One of these languages is already known, being either the learner’s mother tongue, or the language of education, or even another language having been learnt previously. In this approach there is a systematic focus on receptive skills, as the development of comprehension is the most tangible way of using the knowledge of a related language to learn a new one. Of course, this does not exclude some added benefits for productive skills. Available here.
between Romance languages.