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Programme 2020-2023 du CELV
Inspirer l'innovation dans l'éducation aux langues : contextes changeants, compétences en évolution

Aperçu - Member state piority - Domaines prioritaires - How to apply - Promouvoir l'Appel - Questions clés

Member state priorities

The table below attempts to group related priorities, provide possible examples of project topics and then align these to ECML thematic areas where existing resources can be found, since a number of priorities previously addressed in ECML programmes have reappeared in different guises. This is not to suggest, however, that these groupings are fixed or that each priority must be treated as a stand-alone; transversality and synergy within and across these groupings, combined with pedagogical approaches tailored to the language and context in question, more accurately reflect the interrelated nature of different aspects of language education, and are both inevitable and desirable. To take a few examples: effective and innovative exploitation of digital tools continues to be a challenge for teachers of different languages and sectors with opportunities to develop digital competences required; the maintenance of home languages is a topic that concerns not only teachers (of all subjects and at all stages), but other educational players such as parents or head teachers; given that multilingual classrooms are an everyday reality in many European countries, plural approaches are also needed in the traditional foreign language classroom. 

Context and Rationale

With a mission to encourage, promote and develop excellence and innovation in language learning and teaching, the European Centre for Modern Languages, an Enlarged Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe, launched its first series of workshops in 1995 under the theme of “modern language learning in the new Europe”. Subsequent activities and 3 and 4-year programmes followed, with the overarching themes reflecting shifting perspectives and new challenges: “languages for social cohesion”; “empowering language professionals”; “learning through languages: promoting inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural education” and, most recently, “languages at the heart of learning”. Since its inception, the work of the ECML has complemented the extensive activity and developments in the field of language policy undertaken by the Council in Strasbourg. It has widened its remit to include not only foreign languages but also regional/minority languages, the languages of schooling and of migration, placing a strong focus on practice. It has acted as a platform and a meeting place for over fifteen thousand language professionals from across its 33 member states and beyond, to share their expertise through workshops, think tanks, network meetings, colloquia and conferences, resulting in a wealth of resources not only for teachers, teacher educators and curriculum developers but also for learners, parents, and policy-makers. A number of these resources have had considerable influence on approaches to language learning and teaching in Europe. 

ECML resources are organised under thematic areas, as indicated in Figure 1.

2020 marks an important moment in the centre’s history combining as it does, the centre’s 25th anniversary and the launch of its 6th medium-term programme - a moment when the past meets the present and prepares the future. Against a backdrop of rising populism and in a climate where the founding principles of the Council of Europe – democracy, human rights and the rule of law – cannot always be taken for granted, it seems fitting to use this moment in history to pause and reflect on the centre’s rich activities and outputs over the past 25 years. Such a reflection should be a springboard for creativity, for the creation of completely new resources where a gap can be identified, or for consideration of how existing resources might be combined, adapted and rendered fit-for-purpose to address the current challenges, in an era of global accountability and international standards, of unprecedented and rapid change − geopolitical, economic and technical. All of this places pressure on national education systems as they work to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of language learning and teaching in increasingly multilingual and multicultural classrooms. The ECML, with access to internationally renowned experts in language education, with networks across its member states and beyond, with project formats that bring together up to 100 stakeholders, is in a unique position to address these challenges and influence reform processes.

This Call is the result of a process of dialogue and negotiation which began with an online survey in which ECML member states listed their language education priorities and explained why these were of particular importance. What emerged was also a clear recognition that to realise the goal of quality language education, simultaneous action is required at multiple levels: at organisational level, within curricular and assessment reform processes, as part of teacher professional development (both initial and ongoing), at the level of individual teacher competences and attitudes - each level reviewed through a holistic lens which embraces all languages and responds to the diversity of learners and their individual needs. Moreover, this Call takes cognisance of the views expressed by professionals in the field and of developments at the European Commission. It is clearly situated within the context of wider Council of Europe priorities in education, in particular inclusive approaches to education and education for democratic citizenship, where the development of linguistic and intercultural competences plays a key role. 

Domaines prioritaires Exemples de thèmes de projets possibles Domaines thématiques du CELV – ressources existantes
Les professionnels en langues comme acteurs du changement
  • Au-delà des compétences : le rôle des valeurs et des attitudes dans la formation des enseignants en langues
  • Processus et stratégies centrés sur l'apprenant (différenciation, apprentissage individualisé, autonomie de l'apprenant)
  • Mise en oeuvre/facilitation d'approches globales de l'éducation aux langues
  • Développer la créativité et la pensée critique : le rôle de la culture numérique et des outils numériques (par exemple, la pédagogie ludique)
  • Développement professionnel des enseignants et approches pédagogiques pour l'apprentissage des langues dès le plus jeune âge
Compétences des enseignants et des apprenants en langues

Nouveaux médias

Apprentissage des langues dès le plus jeune âge

Examiner et réévaluer les ressources phares du Conseil de l'Europe Evaluation
Pleins feux sur l'apprentissage et l'enseignement des langues étrangères
  • Méthodologies en langues étrangères pour le développement des compétences – nouveaux enjeux dans des contextes changeants
  • La première langue étrangère comme passerelle vers d'autres langues
  • La place des approches plurielles en classe de langues étrangères
  • Actualisation de la méthodologie EMILE : défis et perspectives à différents niveaux d'enseignement
Education plurilingue et interculturelle


L'éducation bi-/plurilingue à l'aube d'une nouvelle décennie
  • Langues régionales et minoritaires ; le Romani
  • Education bilingue dans les classes multilingues
  • La langue de scolarisation des élèves migrants et des apprenants fragilisés : différentes approches pédagogiques
  • Avancées et enjeux en matière d'approches plurielles (translanguaging, pédagogies sensibles aux cultures, sensibilisation aux langues, enseignement tenant compte des langues, etc.)
  • Les langues comme compétences transversales dans le curriculum : le rôle de la langue dans la construction du savoir
  • Sensibilisation aux langues et rôle de la médiation

Education plurilingue et interculturelle

Langues de scolarisation
Organiser l'éducation aux langues
  • Parcours d'apprentissage des langues
  • Diversification de l'offre linguistique / maîtrise d'une 2e et 3e langues étrangères / maintien des langues parlées à la maison
  • Transitions réussies d'un niveau d'études à l'autre
  • Réforme des programmes scolaires : introduction de programmes d'enseignement des langues axés sur les résultats, de l'EMILE et de l'apprentissage des langues dès le plus jeune âge : quels sont les éléments à prendre en compte ?
  • Politiques linguistiques au niveau d'un établissement d'enseignement
  • (E-)Mobilité
Compétences des enseignants et des apprenants en langues


Apprentissage des langues dès le plus jeune âge

Education plurilingue et interculturelle

Voir tous les domaines thématiques

ECML programme of activities: how we work

ECML activities can broadly be grouped into two categories: development and mediation. As the name suggests, the development strand, usually in the form of projects, focuses on innovation, on the creation of new resources in response to current challenges; the mediation strand, usually in the form of ECML Training and Consultancy, focuses more on the implementation and adaptation of existing ECML resources to different national contexts and on the promotion and dissemination of these resources through conferences, colloquia or webinars. Although this Call refers specifically to the development strand, applicants need to understand how the two strands complement each other. 

The ECML Programme 2020-23 will fund approximately ten projects, depending on the proposed duration and the quality of the submissions. While all project proposals should demonstrate innovation and creativity, they should also take into account previous ECML resources and activities. We will be looking for a mixture of projects: some which focus on creating completely new resources and others which systematically review what has gone before, updating and repackaging these resources in a more efficient manner and complementing them through examples of successful implementation in different national contexts.